Other sources of help
If you can't find what you are looking for on this wiki, here is another couple of places where you can look.
Generally, most advice is provided by your fellow group members. The secretaries are generally also very friendly and helpful, so don't hesitate to ask them for help.
Welcome guides
- UNIPD has a welcome guide targeting Marie Curie postdoctoral scholars, but it should have useful information for anyone moving to Padova. There does not appear to be an official link to the file, but Philip is hosting a copy which you can access at this link:
- There is another guide targeting PhD students which may also have some useful information:
Official support structures
- The university has an office which is supposed to help internationals arriving in Padova. You can find it here:
- This desk may be able to help with residence permits and registration to the Italian public healthcare system.
- Experience in the past has shown their office to be overbooked, so you may have to book a meeting a while in advance if you want to make use of their healthcare support desk. It could replace visits to the "ULSS 6" office necessary in for getting healthcare.
strutture/pd/csn4-theoretical-physics/other_sources_of_help.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/22 17:30 by