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New user to OZ

The is the machine to build images for VM. It is available for users too if they want to create their own images. If an user asks for an account, you need to log in the machine as root (ask to M.Sgaravatto the password) and to create the account adding the user to the ozusers group. And create a password to change at the first login

adduser <username> -G ozusers
passwd <username>

Then the user has

  • to create the following file ~/.oz/oz.cfg :
output_dir = /tmp/<username>/oz/images
data_dir = /tmp/<username>/oz/data
screenshot_dir = /tmp/<username>/oz/screenshot
original_media = yes
modified_media = no 
jeos = no
  • to create the related directories:
mkdir -p /tmp/<username>/oz/images /tmp/<username>/oz/data /tmp/<username>/oz/screenshot
  • to set the permission of the directory images:
chown o+rx /tmp/<username>/oz/images 
progetti/cloud-areapd/operations/production_cloud/add_user_to_oz_cld-build.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/06 16:29 by

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