Our Pubblications
Related papers
A review about laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators can be found at:
Some interesting papers are the following:
A- Best results in LPA.
In experiments at LBNL the energy gain was extended to the GeV range using higher laser powers (40TW) using longer plasma channels (3.3cm) and lower plasma densities (10^18 cm-3) so to extend the dephasing length:
- GeV electron beams from a centimeter-scale channel guided laser wakefield acceleratornakamura_physofplasmas_2007.pdf;
MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUTE FUR QUANTENOPTIK have demonstrated quasimonoenegetic electron beams as high as 500MeV by focusing a 750mJ, 42fs laser pulse into a gas filled capillary discharge waveguide:
- GeV-scale electron acceleration in a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide karsh_njp_2007.pdf
At RAL additional experiments with capillary discharge waveguides suggest taht in certain operation regimes electron self-trapping may be assisted by laser ionization of atoms or ions within the capillary
- Laser-Driven Acceleration of Electrons in a Partially Ionized Plasma Channel:rowlands-rees_prl_2008.pdf;
B- Attention for plasma accelerators and staging:
- First Staging of Two Laser Accelerators:kimura_prl_2001.pdf;
- Demonstration of High-Trapping Efficiency and Narrow Energy Spread in a Laser-Driven Accelerator:kimura_prl_2004.pdf;
C- Already studied spectrometers
With scintillating Fibers:
- A compact electron spectrometer for hot electron measurement in pulsed laser solid interaction:chen_revsciinstrum_2003.pdf;
- A novel 45-channel electron spectrometer for high intensity laser-plasma interaction studies:gahn_revsciinstrum_2000.pdf;
With Lanex:
- Broadband single-shot electron spectrometer for GeV-class laser-plasma-based accelerators:nakamura_revsciinstrum_2008.pdf;