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Log book of catania test beam

Data Files

  • Data File names
    1. From run_101009_1.txt to run_101009_10.txt
    2. From run_111009_1.txt to run_111009_10.txt
  • Configuration files (cabling)
    1. conf_101009.txt the human readable version is in cabling_101009.txt
    2. conf_111009.txt the human readable version is in cabling_111009.txt

Beam conditions

All runs but the last one

  • Beam dump rate: from 300 Hz to 1 kHz

Only the last run (run_111009_10.txt)

  • Rate from 2 kHz to 7 kHz

The beam was bunched at nearly 20 ns, with spill lenght nearly 1 ns.

Acquisition conditions

  • Acquisition rate: from 180 to 300 Hz.
  • Amplifier gain: 10

Runs details

65cc min Ar 16cc min CO2 corresponding to 80/20 admixture

Run Mixture (cc/min) Comments HV LV N evts
1 65/30 scint: 3/4 not connected 2.0 kV 1 V 147 k
2 - all scint connected - - 805 k
3 - all scint connected 2.2 kV - 600 k
4 - all scint connected 2.1 kV - 975 k
5 - No scint 1.9 kV - 1.055 M
6 - all scint conn 1.8 kV - 905 k
7 65/16 all scint conn 1.8 kV - 870 k
8 - all scint conn 1.9 kV - 550 k
9 - all scint conn 2.0 kV - 1 M
10 - all scint conn 2.1 kV - 840 k

From 101009_* to 111009_* change of cabling/connections. ADC moved from 1st start counter to DUMP and recabled the chamber. 1 chamber channel resurrected….

Run Mixture (cc/min) Comments HV LV N evts
1 65/40 All conn 2.1 kV 1.11 V 660 k
2 - - 2.2 kV - 695 k
3 - 2mm of Al 1.15mm from ST1 - - 3.16 M
4 - All conn (no Al) 2.3 kV - 705 k
5 - - 2.4 kV - 570 k
6 65/50 - 2.4 kV - 350 k
7 - - 2.5 kV - 275 k
8 - - 2.3 kV - 240 k
9 - - 2.2 kV - 210 k
10 - High rate 2.3 kV - 145 k

Change of LV from 1 V to 1.11 V changes gain from 2*10^6 to 5*10^6 [adb]

strutture/lnf/dr/tps/tbcatania09/logbook/home.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/18 15:59 by

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