−Table of Contents
Images Management
In order to comply to the security regulations the Cloud@CNAF offers a certain number of customized images, for the main Operating Systems, and restricts the possibility to create and/or upload new images to the administrators of the infrastructure.
Available Images
You will find bellow the list of public images available in our infrastructure
$ openstack image list --property status=active +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------+ | f976d4f6-16e0-451b-b487-d57cea19e6e9 | ubuntu-bionic-SDDS-x86_64 | active | | daff051c-451d-49ac-b3ce-05d73f6c0523 | centos-6-SDDS-x86_64 | active | | e61e6be1-eeb3-438f-ac9f-06bad8e67be0 | centos-7-SDDS-x86_64 | active | | 3d993ab8-5d7b-4362-8fd6-af1391edca39 | ubuntu-xenial-SDDS-x86_64 | active | | 3b0dbf93-3b7a-48b4-99a1-97c87ac6e8dd | cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-raw | active | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------+--------+
New Images
In case new images are needed, for different Operating Systems or with different customizations, you are kindly requested to contact the administrators of the Cloud@CNAF infrastructure by:
- opening a support request on Cloud@CNAF Tracking System - preferred
- sending an e-mail to the
strutture/cnaf/cnaf_rd/cloud_cnaf/users_corner/images.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/19 06:33 by