Table of Contents
Installed Software
Compilers and mpi versions
Various version of C/C++, Fortran, CUDA compilers and python are available on all the nodes.
To compile code on the nodes interactively, log into a node using interactive jobs:
bsub -q hpc_int -Is /bin/bash
PLEASE NOTE: Although you can compile on the User Interface, as in any other node, it is a virtual machine and not suitable for compilation, in particular GPU code; probably any CPU dependent optimizations will be lost in your executables.
By default the system compilers are:
gcc --version gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) gfortran --version GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)
If you are ok with these versions you can use them directly.
If you want to use a different version or the CUDA compiler or an MPI library you can use the Linux Environment Module tool that will set-up correctly the environment for the chosen version, i.e. you can try:
module avail module load compilers/cuda-5.5 echo $PATH echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH module list module unload compilers/cuda-5.5 module list echo $PATH echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Other Software Tools and Libraries Available on the Nodes
- gdb
- cmake
- boost && boost-devel
- hdf5 && hdf5-devel && hdf5-mpich2 && hdf5-mpich2-devel && hdf5-openmpi
- fftw && fftw-devel
- blas && blas-devel
- openblas && openblas-devel && openblas-openm && openblas-static && openblas-threads
- netcdf && netcdf-devel && netcdf4-python
- python-matplotlib
- ipython
- numpy-f2py
- scipy
- numpy
- scitools
- gnuplot
- gsl && gsl-devel
- paraview
Requesting new Software on the Nodes
To request new software on the nodes please write an email to:
hpc-support <_at_>