To read and write the storage areas using gfal tools first you need be enrolled in the ICARUS experiment VO: The enrollment requires a valid personal certificate. Instructions on how to obtain it are here. Once you have a valid certificate, you have to install it in a browser and point (with that browser) to the Enrollment Url reported in operation portal site. Select the valid personal certificate just installed when asked for by the browser. Once you have filled the enrollment form, you have to wait for the VO manager to approve your enrollment.
Once enrolled, you need create a proxy. Instructions on how to create it are here.
The usefull tools to handle files are:
Detailed information about gfal utils can be found here
Being fnal_user your username at FNAL:
source /cvmfs/ setup cigetcert cigetcert -i 'Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory' --myproxyretrievers='/DC=org/DC=incommon/C=US/ST=Illinois/O=Fermi Research Alliance/CN=(fifebatch|(hepcjobsub0(1|2))|jobsubdevgpvm01)' --myproxyhours=24 --hours=672 -u <fnal_user> voms-proxy-init -noregen -rfc -voms 'fermilab:/fermilab/icarus/Role=Analysis'
or in alternative:
kx509 voms-proxy-init -noregen -rfc -voms 'fermilab:/fermilab/icarus/Role=Analysis'
It is possible to use samweb at CNAF. First create a proxy with fermilab VOMS extensions, then:
source /cvmfs/ setup fife_utils
In the following links to webpage with usefull info:
To locate a file which filename is filename.root, do:
filename="filename.root" md5=$(echo -n "user.icaruspro:${filename}" | md5sum) ls -lrt /storage/gpfs_data/icarus/plain/user/icaruspro/${md5:0:2}/${md5:2:2}/${filename}
samweb -e icarus list-files "run_number = 8460 and data_stream = bnbmajority and data_tier = raw" > list_filenames.txt
for filename in $(cat list_filenames.txt); do md5=$(echo -n "user.icaruspro:${filename}" | md5sum); filepath="/storage/gpfs_data/icarus/plain/user/icaruspro/${md5:0:2}/${md5:2:2}/${filename}"; if [ -f ${filepath} ]; then echo ${filepath} >> list_filepaths.txt; else echo ${filename} >> list_missing_files.txt; fi; done;
To be able to copy files from FNAL to CNAF you need (only once):
folder in your home in the FNAL machines, using the following command on the CNAF machines:scp -r ~/.globes "fnal_user"
folder in your home in the FNAL machines, using the following command on the FNAL machines:mkdir -p ~/vomses
scp -r /etc/vomses/* "fnal_user"
Then, you do, ignoring possible errors:
voms-proxy-init --voms --valid 72:00 -vomses ~/vomses/ gfal-ls srm://<space token>
where <space token> can be:
source /opt/exp_software/icarus/HTGETTOKEN/ export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/bt_u$(id -u) htgettoken -a -i icarus export BEARER_TOKEN=$(cat ${BEARER_TOKEN_FILE})
then you should be able to copy files from FNAL:
xrdcp xroots:// . xrdcp file-test.root xroots:// gfal-ls gfal-ls gsi gfal-copy file-test.root
$> root -l root [0] TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("xroot://")
For any kind of support refer to