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strutture:lnf:da:chaos:home [2011/07/26 12:04] – [!CHAOS] bisegni@infn.itstrutture:lnf:da:chaos:home [2011/11/21 18:01] (current)
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 +====== !CHAOS ======
 +{{:strutture:lnf:da:chaos:chaos_grey_not.png?242x71|logo candidate}} logo 
 +**C**ontrol system based on **H**ighly **A**bstracted **O**perating **S**tructure, // but not - ! - a mess!"//
 +The Big Picture
 +==== External Link: ====
 +[[|Google work in progress documentation]]
 +=== Conference and Workshop ===
 +[[|SuperB !CHAOS Mini Workshop ]]
 +[[|SuperB Timing nano Workshop ]]
 +[[|SuperB Computing R&D Workshop ]]
 +[[|XVII SuperB Workshop and Kick Off Meeting ]]

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