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progetti:cloud-areapd:ceph:replace_a_osd [2019/05/14 10:25] sgaravat@infn.itprogetti:cloud-areapd:ceph:replace_a_osd [2020/04/29 09:49] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Replace a OSD ======
 +==== Replace a FileStore OSD ====
 +Let's suppose that osd.27 (device /dev/sdj) is broken.
 +Let's verify that this is a filestore OSD:
 +<code bash>
 +# ceph osd metadata 27 | grep osd_ob
 +    "osd_objectstore": "filestore",
 +Let's suppose that this OSD is using /dev/sdb3 for the journal:
 +<code bash>
 +[root@ceph-osd-03 ~]# ceph-disk list | grep osd.27
 + /dev/sdj1 ceph data, active, cluster ceph, osd.27, journal /dev/sdb3
 +The following operations should be done to remove it from ceph:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd crush reweight osd.27 0
 +Wait that the status is HEALTH-OK.
 +ceph osd out osd.27
 +ceph osd crush remove osd.27
 +systemctl stop ceph-osd@27.service
 +ceph auth del osd.27
 +ceph osd rm osd.27
 +umount /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-27
 +Replace the disk.
 +Run the prepare command (make sure to specify the right partition of the SSD disk):
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd set noout
 +ceph-disk prepare --zap --cluster ceph --cluster-uuid 8162f291-00b6-4b40-a8b4-1981a8c09b64 --filestore --fs-type xfs /dev/sdj /dev/sdb3
 +Then enable the start of OSD at boot time it:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph-disk activate /dev/sdj1
 +If everything is ok, re-enable the data balance:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd unset noout
 +==== Replace a BlueStore OSD ====
 +Let's suppose that osd.14 (/dev/vdd) is broken.
 +Let's verify that this is a Bluestore OSD:
 +<code bash>
 +# ceph osd metadata 14 | grep osd_ob
 +    "osd_objectstore": "bluestore",
 +Let's find the relevant devices:
 +<code bash>
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# ceph-bluestore-tool show-label --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14/
 +infering bluefs devices from bluestore path
 +    "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block": {
 +        "osd_uuid": "d14443ed-2f7d-4bbc-8cdf-f55c7e00a9b5",
 +        "size": 107369988096,
 +        "btime": "2019-01-30 16:33:54.429292",
 +        "description": "main",
 +        "bluefs": "1",
 +        "ceph_fsid": "7a8cb8ff-562b-47da-a6aa-507136587dcf",
 +        "kv_backend": "rocksdb",
 +        "magic": "ceph osd volume v026",
 +        "mkfs_done": "yes",
 +        "osd_key": "AQDWw1Fc6g0zARAAy97VirlJ+wC7FmjlM0w3aQ==",
 +        "ready": "ready",
 +        "whoami": "14"
 +    },
 +    "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block.db": {
 +        "osd_uuid": "d14443ed-2f7d-4bbc-8cdf-f55c7e00a9b5",
 +        "size": 53687091200,
 +        "btime": "2019-01-30 16:33:54.432415",
 +        "description": "bluefs db"
 +    }
 +Let's find the volume groups used for the block and block.db:
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# ls -l /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block
 +lrwxrwxrwx 1 ceph ceph 27 May 13 15:34 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block -> /dev/ceph-block-14/block-14
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# ls -l /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block.db
 +lrwxrwxrwx 1 ceph ceph 24 May 13 15:34 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14//block.db -> /dev/ceph-db-12-15/db-14
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# 
 +Let's verify that vdd is indeed the physical volume used for this OSD:
 +<code bash>
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# vgdisplay -v ceph-block-14
 +  --- Volume group ---
 +  VG Name               ceph-block-14
 +  System ID             
 +  Format                lvm2
 +  Metadata Areas        1
 +  Metadata Sequence No  15
 +  VG Access             read/write
 +  VG Status             resizable
 +  MAX LV                0
 +  Cur LV                1
 +  Open LV               1
 +  Max PV                0
 +  Cur PV                1
 +  Act PV                1
 +  VG Size               <100.00 GiB
 +  PE Size               4.00 MiB
 +  Total PE              25599
 +  Alloc PE / Size       25599 / <100.00 GiB
 +  Free  PE / Size       0 / 0   
 +  VG UUID               lcEfNK-P7gw-ddeH-ijGC-2d6z-WuUo-hqI1H2
 +  --- Logical volume ---
 +  LV Path                /dev/ceph-block-14/block-14
 +  LV Name                block-14
 +  VG Name                ceph-block-14
 +  LV UUID                hu4Xop-481K-BJyP-b473-PjEW-OQFT-oziYnc
 +  LV Write Access        read/write
 +  LV Creation host, time c-osd-5.novalocal, 2019-01-30 11:22:24 +0100
 +  LV Status              available
 +  # open                 4
 +  LV Size                <100.00 GiB
 +  Current LE             25599
 +  Segments               1
 +  Allocation             inherit
 +  Read ahead sectors     auto
 +  - currently set to     8192
 +  Block device           252:14
 +  --- Physical volumes ---
 +  PV Name               /dev/vdd     
 +  PV UUID               2ab6Mn-8c5b-rN1H-zclU-uhnF-YJmF-e0ITMt
 +  PV Status             allocatable
 +  Total PE / Free PE    25599 / 0
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# 
 +The following operations should be done to remove it from ceph:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd crush reweight osd.14 0
 +This will trigger a data movement from that OSD (ceph status will report many objects misplaced)
 +Wait until there are no more objects misplaced
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd out osd.14
 +Verifichiamo che si possa "rimuovere" l'OSD
 +<code bash>
 +[root@ceph-mon-01 ~]# ceph osd safe-to-destroy 14
 +OSD(s) 14 are safe to destroy without reducing data durability.
 +<code bash>
 +[root@ceph-osd-02 ~]# systemctl kill ceph-osd@14
 +[root@ceph-osd-02 ~]# ceph osd destroy 14 --yes-i-really-mean-it
 +[root@ceph-osd-02 ~]# umount /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-14
 +Cancelliamo il volume group:
 +<code bash>
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# vgremove ceph-block-14
 +Do you really want to remove volume group "ceph-block-14" containing 1 logical volumes? [y/n]: y
 +Do you really want to remove active logical volume ceph-block-14/block-14? [y/n]: y
 +  Logical volume "block-14" successfully removed
 +  Volume group "ceph-block-14" successfully removed
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# 
 +Sostituiamo il disco. Supponiamo che quello nuovo si chiami sempre vdd.
 +Ricreo volume group e logical volume:
 +<code bash>
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# vgcreate ceph-block-14 /dev/vdd
 +  Physical volume "/dev/vdd" successfully created.
 +  Volume group "ceph-block-14" successfully created
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n block-14 ceph-block-14
 +  Logical volume "block-14" created.
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# 
 +Alla fine ricreiamo l'OSD:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd set norebalance
 +ceph osd set nobackfill
 +[root@c-osd-5 /]# ceph-volume lvm create --bluestore --data ceph-block-14/block-14 --block.db ceph-db-12-15/db-14 --osd-id 14
 +Dopo un po`, quando non ci sono piu` pg in peering:
 +<code bash>
 +ceph osd crush reweight osd.14 5.45609
 +ceph osd unset nobackfill
 +ceph osd unset norebalance

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