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cn:ccr:formazione:centos7:2018-11:networking [2018/11/27 16:02] – [salca] carbone@infn.itcn:ccr:formazione:centos7:2018-11:networking [2018/11/27 16:17] (current) – [the big picture]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== networking ======
 +suggested exercises. some suggestions are bare suggestions - no explanation at all 8-)
 +==== show general status ====
 +# nmcli
 +enp0s3: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:B8:24:87, hw, mtu 1500
 +enp0s8: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 +==== show device status ====
 +# nmcli device
 +virbr0      bridge    connected     virbr0     
 +enp0s3      ethernet  disconnected  --         
 +enp0s8      ethernet  disconnected  --         
 +lo          loopback  unmanaged     --         
 +virbr0-nic  tun       unmanaged     --         
 +==== show connection status ====
 +# nmcli connection 
 +NAME    UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE 
 +virbr0  9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge  virbr0 
 +==== disable automatic connection creation ====
 +==== add an auto-configuring ethernet connection ====
 +# nmcli connection add type ethernet con-name enp0s3 ifname enp0s3
 +Connection 'enp0s3' (88b5a114-4258-48a9-b9ea-499b74a04add) successfully added.
 +# nmcli connection 
 +NAME    UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE 
 +enp0s3  88b5a114-4258-48a9-b9ea-499b74a04add  802-3-ethernet  enp0s3 
 +virbr0  9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge          virbr0 
 +# nmcli device
 +virbr0      bridge    connected     virbr0     
 +enp0s3      ethernet  connected     enp0s3     
 +enp0s8      ethernet  disconnected  --         
 +lo          loopback  unmanaged     --         
 +virbr0-nic  tun       unmanaged     --      
 +# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 
 +==== add an ethernet connection profile with manual IP configuration ====
 +<code># nmcli connection add con-name enp0s3 ifname enp0s3 type ethernet ip4</code>
 +<file>Connection 'enp0s3' (aff98488-05b6-4cf8-8fde-7639ee5b5968) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli </code>
 +enp0s3: connected to enp0s3
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:B8:24:87, hw, mtu 1500
 + inet4
 + inet6 fe80::4591:9f60:53d8:aaf2/64
 +==== add an IPv6 address to an active connection ====
 +//From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia//:
 +=== Unique local address ===
 +A unique local address (ULA) is an IPv6 address in the block fc00::/7, defined in [[|RFC 4193]]. It is the approximate IPv6 counterpart of the IPv4 private address. Unique local addresses are available for use in private networks, e.g. inside a single site or organization or spanning a limited number of sites or organizations. They are routable within the scope of a certain private-owned network, but not in the global IPv6 Internet.
 +The address block fc00::/7 is divided into two /8 groups:
 +  * The block fc00::/8 has not been defined yet. It has been proposed to be managed by an allocation authority, but this has not gained acceptance in the IETF.
 +  * The block fd00::/8 is defined for /48 prefixes, formed by setting the 40 least-significant bits of the prefix to a randomly generated bit string. This results in the format fdxx:xxxx:xxxx:: for a prefix in this range. [[|RFC 4193]] offers a suggestion for generating the random identifier to obtain a minimum-quality result if the user does not have access to a good source of random numbers.
 +on host A
 +<code>#nmcli connection modify enp0s3 +ipv6.addresses fd00::2/64</code>
 +<code>#nmcli connection up enp0s3</code>
 +<file>Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/3)</file>
 +on host B
 +<code>#nmcli connection modify enp0s3 +ipv6.addresses fd00::1/64</code>
 +<code>#nmcli connection up enp0s3</code>
 +<file>Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/3)</file>
 +check if everything's working fine
 +<code>[root@useven carbone]# slogin fd00::2</code>
 +The authenticity of host 'fd00::2 (fd00::2)' can't be established.
 +ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:apZuQzAKfE5NI4fpzgCOJ0nz3I6ysphB3X8VwfW5J3c.
 +ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:63:94:48:08:6b:5b:27:05:46:ef:1f:b6:c4:66:ff:79.
 +Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
 +<code>[root@seven carbone]# ping6 fd00::1</code>
 +PING fd00::1(fd00::1) 56 data bytes
 +64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.567 ms
 +64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.711 ms
 +64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.696 ms
 +64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.716 ms
 +64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.603 ms
 +--- fd00::1 ping statistics ---
 +5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4031ms
 +rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.567/0.658/0.716/0.067 ms
 +==== add an ethernet connection profile in interactive editor ====
 +# nmcli connection edit type ethernet
 +goto ethernet
 +goto ipv4.addresses
 +set <ip>/<prefix>
 +==== the big picture ====
 +Get rid of dynamic network setup on both VMs and configure them with static (private) IPv4 & IPv6 addresses.
 +==== list NetworkManager polkit permissions ====
 +try from console either as a normal user or as root, then from a remote connection
 +$ nmcli general permissions
 +PERMISSION                                                 VALUE 
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-network      yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wifi         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wwan         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wimax        yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake                  no             yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected        yes             yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system      yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.hostname    auth  auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.reload                      auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.checkpoint-rollback         auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-statistics   yes   
 +$ sudo bash
 +# nmcli general permissions
 +PERMISSION                                                 VALUE 
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-network      yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wifi         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wwan         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wimax        yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake                  yes             yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected        yes             yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system      yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.hostname    yes  yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.reload                      yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.checkpoint-rollback         yes   
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-statistics   yes
 +$ nmcli general permissions
 +PERMISSION                                                 VALUE 
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-network      no    
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wifi         no    
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wwan         no    
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wimax        no    
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake                  no             auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected        no             no    
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system      auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own         auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.hostname    auth  auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.reload                      auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.checkpoint-rollback         auth  
 +org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-statistics   no    
 +=== ok, but what the heck does it mean 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake'? ===
 +<code>$ pkaction --verbose --action-id org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake</code>
 +  description:       Put NetworkManager to sleep or wake it up (should only be used by system power management)
 +  message:           System policy prevents putting NetworkManager to sleep or waking it up
 +  vendor:            NetworkManager
 +  vendor_url:
 +  icon:              nm-icon
 +  implicit any:      no
 +  implicit inactive: no
 +  implicit active:   no
 +Use the same command for each and every action-id you are interested in - enjoy!
 +==== bond devices ====
 +=== add a bonding master and two slave connection profiles ===
 +# nmcli connection add type [TAB] 
 +adsl          bridge        ethernet      ip-tunnel     olpc-mesh     tun           wifi          
 +bluetooth     bridge-slave  generic       macsec        pppoe         vlan          wimax         
 +bond          cdma          gsm           macvlan       team          vpn           
 +bond-slave    dummy         infiniband    no-slave      team-slave    vxlan         
 +# nmcli connection add type bond con-name bond0 ifname bond0 mode active-backup
 +Connection 'bond0' (c63d5b90-04e3-4a19-a93f-b3e9108ad67f) successfully added.
 +# nmcli connection
 +NAME    UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE 
 +bond0   c63d5b90-04e3-4a19-a93f-b3e9108ad67f  bond    bond0  
 +virbr0  9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge  virbr0 
 +# nmcli connection add type bond-slave con-name bond0s0 ifname enp0s3 master bond0
 +Connection 'bond0s0' (89f56c51-7efc-489a-a9aa-8afebf530cd7) successfully added.
 +# nmcli connection 
 +NAME     UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE 
 +bond0    c63d5b90-04e3-4a19-a93f-b3e9108ad67f  bond            bond0  
 +bond0s0  89f56c51-7efc-489a-a9aa-8afebf530cd7  802-3-ethernet  enp0s3 
 +virbr0   9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge          virbr0 
 +# nmcli connection add type bond-slave con-name bond0s1 ifname enp0s8 master bond0
 +Connection 'bond0s1' (7165a8a9-97ff-40fe-a810-b214833bdbdd) successfully added.
 +[root@seven carbone]# nmcli connection 
 +NAME     UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE 
 +bond0    c63d5b90-04e3-4a19-a93f-b3e9108ad67f  bond            bond0  
 +bond0s0  89f56c51-7efc-489a-a9aa-8afebf530cd7  802-3-ethernet  enp0s3 
 +bond0s1  7165a8a9-97ff-40fe-a810-b214833bdbdd  802-3-ethernet  enp0s8 
 +virbr0   9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge          virbr0 
 +beware: **nmcli-examples man page is definitely wrong about adding a bond connection**
 +**Example 6. Adding a bonding master and two slave connection profiles**
 +//This example demonstrates adding a bond master connection and two slaves. The first command adds a master bond
 +connection, naming the bonding interface mybond0 and using active-backup mode. The next two commands add slaves
 +connections, both enslaved to mybond0. The first slave will be bound to eth1 interface, the second to eth2.//
 +$ nmcli con add type bond ifname mybond0 mode active-backup
 +$ nmcli con add type ethernet ifname eth1 master mybond0
 +$ nmcli con add type ethernet ifname eth2 master mybond0
 +                ************* WRONG type must be bond-slave
 +What's going to happen if you add ethernet connections as bond slaves?
 +<code># nmcli con add type bond ifname mybond0 mode active-backup</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bond-mybond0' (895362e3-a0cc-4312-8030-4b942d991fae) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli con add type ethernet ifname eth1 master mybond0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bond-slave-eth1' (e485a48d-fb22-4a9f-b310-6209ed7d9a56) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli con add type ethernet ifname eth2 master mybond0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bond-slave-eth2' (59734527-1601-49f8-a0b2-ebeb05faba60) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli </code>
 +mybond0: connecting (getting IP configuration) to bond-mybond0
 + "mybond0"
 + bond, F6:35:AB:5B:CD:BC, sw, mtu 1500
 +enp0s3: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:B8:24:87, hw, mtu 1500
 +enp0s8: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 +==== team devices ====
 +=== add a team device and two slaves ===
 +<code># nmcli connection add type team con-name team0 ifname team0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'team0' (67d3fa18-6918-468f-b1f4-d7d1f9852fe0) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli connection</code>
 +NAME    UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE 
 +team0   67d3fa18-6918-468f-b1f4-d7d1f9852fe0  team    team0  
 +virbr0  9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge  virbr0 
 +<code># nmcli</code>
 +team0: connecting (getting IP configuration) to team0
 + "team0"
 + team, A6:D3:E6:35:12:73, sw, mtu 1500
 +enp0s3: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:B8:24:87, hw, mtu 1500
 +enp0s8: disconnected
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 +<code># nmcli connection add type team-slave con-name team0s0 ifname enp0s8 master team0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'team0s0' (8db383b2-50e1-4875-8f1f-ca9b260f4bb9) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli connection add type team-slave con-name team0s1 ifname enp0s3 master team0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'team0s1' (d03f1aa5-e206-40dc-bdda-b1c9f0ee6f0b) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli </code>
 +enp0s3: connected to team0s1
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 + master team0
 +enp0s8: connected to team0s0
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 + master team0
 +team0: connected to team0
 + "team0"
 + team, 08:00:27:98:53:C9, sw, mtu 1500
 + ip4 default
 + inet4
 + inet6 fe80::762b:c440:b95d:2a65/64
 +<code># nmcli </code>
 +enp0s3: connected to team0s1
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 + master team0
 +enp0s8: connected to team0s0
 + "Intel 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)"
 + ethernet (e1000), 08:00:27:98:53:C9, hw, mtu 1500
 + master team0
 +team0: connected to team0
 + "team0"
 + team, 08:00:27:98:53:C9, sw, mtu 1500
 + ip4 default
 + inet4
 + inet6 fe80::762b:c440:b95d:2a65/64
 +use ping amd tcpdump to verify runner policy
 +<code># teamdctl team0 config dump</code>
 +<code># teamdctl team0 state</code>
 +=== change runner ===
 +<code># nmcli connection modify team0 team.config '{"runner": {"name":"activebackup"}}'</code>
 +<code># nmcli connection up team0</code>
 +<file>Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/34)</file>
 +<code># teamdctl team0 config dump</code>
 +    "device": "team0",
 +    "mcast_rejoin": {
 +        "count": 1
 +    },
 +    "notify_peers": {
 +        "count": 1
 +    },
 +    "ports": {
 +        "enp0s3": {
 +            "link_watch": {
 +                "name": "ethtool"
 +            }
 +        },
 +        "enp0s8": {
 +            "link_watch": {
 +                "name": "ethtool"
 +            }
 +        }
 +    },
 +    "runner": {
 +        "name": "activebackup"
 +    }
 +=== delete team device ===
 +<code># nmcli connection delete team0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'team0' (223414a0-8278-4222-9efd-3a953c9d6e17) successfully deleted.</file>
 +<code># nmcli connection </code>
 +NAME     UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE 
 +virbr0   9cc3711a-d802-49e8-a116-a2cab474fb91  bridge          virbr0 
 +team0s0  8db383b2-50e1-4875-8f1f-ca9b260f4bb9  802-3-ethernet  --     
 +team0s1  d03f1aa5-e206-40dc-bdda-b1c9f0ee6f0b  802-3-ethernet  --   
 +<code># nmcli connection add type team con-name team0 ifname team0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'team0' (75ca5761-b6ad-42c8-93c5-dc685b293ba4) successfully added.</file>
 +If slave devices don't reconnect to master, then use
 +<code># nmcli device connect ... </code>
 +==== bridge devices ====
 +=== create a two port bridge ===
 +<code># nmcli connection add type bridge con-name bridge0 ifname bridge0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bridge0' (9efa79db-ac89-4614-b5d5-b48c56c073af) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># nmcli connection add type bridge-slave con-name bridge0p0 ifname enp0s3 master bridge0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bridge0p0' (de9966ac-4b4b-4f53-b1b2-254318a9ae75) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># bridge fdb show br bridge0</code>
 +64:59:f8:a0:a8:a0 dev enp0s3 master bridge0 
 +08:00:27:b8:24:87 dev enp0s3 master bridge0 permanent
 +70:8b:cd:26:51:25 dev enp0s3 master bridge0 
 +08:00:27:b8:24:87 dev enp0s3 vlan 1 master bridge0 permanent
 +01:00:5e:00:00:01 dev enp0s3 self permanent
 +33:33:00:00:00:01 dev enp0s3 self permanent
 +08:00:27:98:53:c9 dev enp0s8 master bridge0 permanent
 +08:00:27:98:53:c9 dev enp0s8 vlan 1 master bridge0 permanent
 +01:00:5e:00:00:01 dev enp0s8 self permanent
 +33:33:00:00:00:01 dev enp0s8 self permanent
 +01:00:5e:00:00:01 dev bridge0 self permanent
 +33:33:00:00:00:01 dev bridge0 self permanent
 +33:33:ff:b4:f3:fb dev bridge0 self permanent
 +01:00:5e:00:00:fb dev bridge0 self permanent
 +<code># nmcli connection add type bridge-slave con-name bridge0p1 ifname enp0s8 master bridge0</code>
 +<file>Connection 'bridge0p1' (bcfbffa7-c6fb-4049-83d4-eb4888f1d98e) successfully added.</file>
 +<code># bridge link show</code>
 +2: enp0s3 state UP : <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master bridge0 state forwarding priority 32 cost 100 
 +3: enp0s8 state UP : <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master bridge0 state blocking priority 32 cost 100 
 +==== use nmcli to recreate bifrost's bridge ====
 +==== try to change interfaces name from enpXsY to ethZ ====
 +==== change hostname ====
 +==== configure network/a team device/a bridge device using nmtui ====
 +==== configure network/a team device/a bridge device using nm-connection-editor ====
 +==== configure a network connection editing ifcfg- file ====
 +==== add an ip address using ip ====

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