Table of Contents

Missions and travel

The procedure of how to arrange travel depends on who is paying for your trip. See each of the following subsections to find the case that applies to your trip. Note that in Italian the term "mission" describes a business trip, so that is what you will hear everyone say in this context, even when speaking English. In either case, the mission must be registered and authorized before you book anything and then accounted for after the trip is ended.

University missions

If the university is paying, you arrange the mission through a portal you can find in the following way:

  1. Go to the SIT portal which has a link at the top of the page
  2. Log in with your UNIPD credentials
  3. Go to Servizi personalLink utili alla personaMissioni
  4. Start a new mission with Avvia la procedura or go to Le mie richieste to see your existing missions

The exact way to fill out the form depends on exactly which pool of funding the money is coming from, so we cannot include a detailed guide on how to fill out the form. One important general feature that should be pointed out is that there are two main ways of refunding the expenses. The first is analitico, which means that you collect receipts that are refunded exactly up to some limit. The second is the alternative treatment, also known as forfettario. With forfettario you are refunded a flat-rate cost which covers meals and accommodation regardless of the exact costs. The rate is determined by the location you are visiting, according to appendix 2 of this document:

Note that the flat-rate alternative treatment is only available for missions abroad. For missions in Italy, only the per-item analitico treatment is possible.

It might be good to add some details on how to close the mission and what exactly to do with the receipts afterward. Short version: They should be physically given to Costantina Magnifico, who is currently in charge of closing missions.

INFN missions

If INFN is paying for your mission, you must arrange the mission at INFN portal:

  1. Login with your INFN credentials
  2. Go to Missions → Insert Mission

Maybe someone will eventually give details here on how to fill out the mission, but at least now you know where to do it.

ASYMMETRY missions

ASYMMETRY missions are handled as university missions with a special flat-rate refund. Nonetheless, it is crucially important that you open the mission before the trip and remember to close it afterwards. Eventhough the funding might originates from the ASYMMETRY network, the university cannot pay it out to you if you do not comply with the standard mission procedure.