The aim of the PLASMONX project is to provide the LNF (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) with a world-class, high-power laser facility suitable for the development of an innovative, high-gradient acceleration technique based upon super-intense and ultra-short laser pulses, and X/gamma-ray tunable sources using Thomson scattering of optical photons by energetic electrons. The facility makes use of a new generation laser, FLAME, will be built in close interaction with the SPARC project presently in progress at LNF. The main purpose of the facility will consist in R&D activity aimed at the following objectives:
Both lines require very bright and short electron bursts together with very high power laser pulses of sub-100 fs duration. Studies at the forefront of research in this field consistently indicate that the power level and the focused intensity for a laser system appropriate for these studies are >10TW and >1019 W/cm2 respectively. The activity will be carried jointly by three INFN units and one CNR unit. The R&D activity carried out at this facility will be open to some extent to external users, in particular for what concerns bio-medical oriented uses of the available sources for diagnose and therapy.
This page is a test draft, the official site still being here
The project is divided into two main streams: