Table of Contents


Service to the user The user have a 2-channel arbitrary delay generator system Stanford DG535m
remotely controlled in BTF control room with the respecive bypass in BTF Hall. User customizable trigger signal (source LINAC SYS) STANFORD Delay Generator DDG535m

BTF Setup Menu (BSM)
Go Forever = lets the DAFNE injection rejected pulses (till the Odoscope one) to be delivered at set frequency to BTF
Single Shot = only one pulse delivered to BTF, after the DAFNE injection pulses

General Timing Status (GTS)
Normal = cutoff trigger signal @ BTF (the DHPTB101 still works!!!)
BTF = gives trigger signal @ BTF and implements BTF status setup (BSM)
BTF one shot = gives trigger signal @ BTF and implements BTF status setup for one shot per second or manual shot

DAFNE = cutoff the DHPTB101
DAFNE+BTF = permits DHPTB101 to pulse

DAFNE+BTF status

GTS → BTF 1 shot
BSM → Single shot
Press RUN BTF button and it fires one pulse

One shot per second
GTS → BTF 1 shot
BSM → Go Forever and number of impulses = 1
Press RUN BTF button and it fires at 1 Hz (two pulses per second in DAFNE injection)

Maximun shot rate
BSM → Go forever and number of impluses = 49

BTF Signals

Q4 signal || BTF word signal ⇒ Syncro word (~8usec before gun pulse)

  Cable panel n.11(inside) SlowControl rack's hall in the BTF Control Room -> output from trg board send to 11(inside)-1

BTFTG1(user) signal ⇒ Delayed signal (~8usec as before + 6usec delivering time + user delta time) to match the bunch arrival time in btf hall

  Cable panel n.11 in BTF Control Room (near BTF Hall concrete wall) -> output from 11-1, delayed by Stanford C && !D, send to 11-3, from 11(inside)-3 send to a cable TG1BTF in BTF Hall

BTFTG2(user) signal ⇒ Delayed signal (~8usec as before + 6usec delivering time + user delta time) to match the bunch arrival time in btf hall

  Cable panel n.11 in BTF Control Room (near BTF Hall concrete wall) -> output from 11-1, delayed by Stanford A && !B, send to 11-2, from 11(inside)-2 send to a cable TG2BTF in BTF Hall

BTFTG0 A/B(btf staff) signal ⇒ output from trg board, delayed by Stanford C && !D, send to a cable TG0BTF in BTF Hall BTFTG0 C/D(btf staff) signal ⇒ output from trg board, delayed by Stanford C && !D, send to a cable TG0BTF in BTF Hall

Stanford BTF Setup

THreshold = -0.5V
Slope = Negative
Trigger Term = 50Ohm

GPIB addr
User = 14

A = 15.79 usec
B = A + 200 nsec (as gate)
C = 15.79 usec
D = C + 200 nsec (as gate)

BTFDAQ Timing Unit
DAQ Delay ~200nsec

Additional Triggers

There are additional triggers available for the users:

BTF && LINAC state
it is possible to select an electron/positron only TTL trigger signal (see the purple signal on the scope screen). This trigger starts 60 ns after the LINAC trigger.

BTF && Calorimeter
it generates a TTL trigger signal only if there is a LINAC trigger AND a signal in the calorimeter (see the purple signal on the scope screen). This Trigger starts 450 ns after the LINAC trigger.