Force10 MXL: Firmware Upgrade

Uploading new firmware image

MXL switches keep two firmware images – A and B. You can set either one of them to be active. Use the following command to list firmware version of all stack members and see which one is active:

   # show boot system stack-unit all

In this case image active is A and the firmware version installed is 9.4

To upload firmware you will need a TFTP server. If the active firmware image is in A, upload new firmware to B. You’ll also be asked if you want to upload firmware to all switches in the stack.

  # upgrade system tftp://<IP-TFTP-SERVER>/Firmware-image-file.bin b:

Double-check that new firmware has been successfully distributed to all switches:

   # show boot system stack-unit all

Backing up startup config

Make sure you do not miss this step. If something goes wrong and switch looses its config, you’ll have to recreate all configuration from scratch. Imagine the consequences. Before on server TFTP touch file.conf and chmod a+rw to permit write access on that save file configuration.

  # copy start tftp://<IP-TFTP-SERVER>/Start-configuration-active.conf

Reloading the stack

Once firmware is uploaded and config is saved, reload the stack. Be mindful that it’s a disruptive procedure and all links connected to the stack will go down. A reboot shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes, but make sure you do that after hours.

  # conf t
  # boot system stack-unit all primary system b:
  # exit
  # copy run start
  # reload

Confirm that the active firmware image is now B. And that concludes the switch stack upgrade.

The old firmware version is still installed in A, the new one active is in B. You can downgrade to previous version making active the image A instead of B.

Firmware 9.9 warning message

If is installed firmware version 9.9 every login you'll obtain the following warnig message:

  #  The SupportAssist EULA acceptance option has not been selected. SupportAssist
  #  can be enabled once the SupportAssist EULA has been accepted. Use the:
  #  'support-assist activate' command to accept EULA and enable SupportAssist.

To avoid this type the command:

  # conf
  # eula-consent support-assist reject
  # exit