ISOLPHARM_Ag is a two-year experiment in the framework of the ISOLPHARM collaboration.
ISOLPHARM is a INFN patented methodology for the production of high specific activity radionuclides (radiopharmaceutical precursors) by means of the ISOL technique. ISOLPHARM_Ag, in particular, has the aim of studying and demonstrating as a proof of principle the production and use of a particular promising silver isotope (111Ag) with this technique, and its possible application as a radiopharmaceutical precursor. This radionuclide, which has never been produced with high specific activity, is extremely interesting for its possible application in the radiopharmaceuticals field due to its combination of decay and half-life properties.
ISOLPHARM_Ag will address the potential production and use of 111Ag from two point of views: computational and experimental.
Computational studies will focus on the development of Monte Carlo codes able to predict the production and release of 111Ag from the ISOLPHARM primary target. This codes will be executed thanks to the support of a cloud infrastructure in the Cloud Area Padovana (INFN PD). The development of a web based portal in which to execute simulations and to collect the calculated data is a fundamental part of this activity.
The experimental part will involve physics, chemistry and biology studies. The ionization and transport of silver will be studied at the SPES Front End (INFN LNL). Chemistry studies to develop and characterize silver complexes will be carried out by personnel associated to LNL at Padova University and by TIFPA personnel in their labs. Biological studies on molecules synthesized at Padova University (personnel associated to LNL) will be carried out at LNL and TIFPA (Biotech), to evaluate the radionuclide carrying to different cellular targets. This project is extremely interdisciplinary, because it links together numerical simulation of physics processes, physics phenomena like ionization and transport of atomic beams, chemistry and purification of silver and biological evaluation of molecules able to transport silver to target cells.
The ISOLPHARM_Ag experiment includes the participation of 3 INFN sections/laboratories and the involvement of 15 INFN researchers. In particular: