Crea un independent fileset di nome fset1 nel file system c<#>fs
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmcrfileset /dev/c16fs fset1 –inode-space new<br> Fileset fset1 created with id 1 root inode 524291.<br> # mmlsfileset /dev/c16fs fset1<br> Filesets in file system 'c16fs':<br> Name Status Path<br> fset1 Unlinked –<br> <br> </p></html>
Crea il junction point /gpfs/c<#>fs/fset1 per il file set fset1 e visualizzalo
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmlinkfileset c16fs fset1 -J /gpfs/c16fs/fset1<br> Fileset fset1 linked at /gpfs/c16fs/fset1<br> <br> # mmlsfileset c16fs fset1<br> Filesets in file system 'c16fs':<br> Name Status Path<br> fset1 Linked /gpfs/c16fs/fset1<br> <br> </p></html>
Crea un dependent fileset fset2 e relativo junction point in /gpfs/c<#>fs/fset2 e visualizza i fileset
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmcrfileset /dev/c16fs fset2<br> Fileset fset2 created with id 2 root inode 220160.<br> <br> # mmlinkfileset c16fs fset2 -J /gpfs/c16fs/fset2<br> Fileset fset2 linked at /gpfs/c16fs/fset2<br> <br> # mmlsfileset c16fs -L<br> Filesets in file system 'c16fs':<br> Name Id RootInode ParentId Created InodeSpace MaxInodes AllocInodes Comment<br> root 0 3 – Tue Nov 25 08:47:43 2014 0 4098048 507904 root fileset<br> fset1 1 524291 0 Tue Nov 25 08:53:08 2014 1 100352 100352<br> fset2 2 220160 0 Tue Nov 25 08:53:18 2014 0 0 0<br> <br> </p></html>
Verifica e nel caso attiva il controllo di quota per il file system c<#>fs
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmlsfs c16fs -Q<br> flag value description<br> ——————- ———————— ———————————–<br> -Q none Quotas enforced<br> none Default quotas enabled<br> <br> # mmumount /dev/c16fs -a<br> Tue Nov 25 09:44:26 CET 2014: mmumount: Unmounting file systems …<br> <br> # mmchfs /dev/c16fs -Q yes<br> mmchfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all<br> affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.<br> <br> # mmlsfs c16fs -Q<br> flag value description<br> ——————- ———————— ———————————–<br> -Q user;group;fileset Quotas enforced<br> none Default quotas enabled<br> <br> # mmmount /dev/c16fs -a<br> Tue Nov 25 09:46:05 CET 2014: mmmount: Mounting file systems …<br> <br> # ls /gpfs/c16fs<br> fileset.quota fset1 fset2 group.quota user.quota<br> <br> </p></html>
Definisci quota di 10 GB per i due fileset e verifica (non si vede quota!)
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmedquota -j c16fs:fset1<br> <br> # mmedquota -j c16fs:fset2<br> <br> # mmlsquota -j fset1 /dev/fs<br> Block Limits | File Limits<br> Filesystem type KB quota limit in_doubt grace | files quota limit in_doubt grace Remarks<br> c16fs FILESET none<br> <br> # mmlsquota -j fset2 /dev/c16fs<br> Block Limits | File Limits<br> Filesystem type KB quota limit in_doubt grace | files quota limit in_doubt grace Remarks<br> c16fs FILESET none<br> <br> </p></html>
Aggiorna il calcolo delle quote e verifica la quota dei fileset
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmcheckquota /dev/c16fs<br> fs: Start quota check<br> 10 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 20 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 30 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 40 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 50 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 60 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:28 2014<br> 70 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:29 2014<br> 80 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:29 2014<br> 90 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:29 2014<br> 100 % complete on Tue Nov 25 09:58:29 2014<br> Finished scanning the inodes for c16fs.<br> Merging results from scan.<br> <br> # mmlsquota -j fset1 /dev/c16fs<br> Block Limits | File Limits<br> Filesystem type KB quota limit in_doubt grace | files quota limit in_doubt grace Remarks<br> c16fs FILESET 0 10485760 10485760 0 none | 1 0 0 0 none<br> <br> # mmlsquota -j fset2 /dev/c16fs<br> Block Limits | File Limits<br> Filesystem type KB quota limit in_doubt grace | files quota limit in_doubt grace Remarks<br> c16fs FILESET 0 20971520 20971520 0 none | 1 0 0 0 none<br> <br> </p></html>
Abilita se necessario la feature –filesetdf sul file system
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # df -k /gpfs/c16fs/fset1/<br> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on<br> /dev/c16fs 4194304000 543744 4193760256 1% /gpfs/c16fs<br> <br> # mmchfs /dev/c16fs –filesetdf<br> <br> # df -k /gpfs/c16fs/fset1/<br> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on<br> /dev/c16fs 10485760 0 10485760 0% /gpfs/c16fs<br> <br> </p></html>
Rimuovi i due dischi nsd3 e nsd4 e reinseriscili in un pool di nome pool1
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmlsdisk /dev/c16fs<br> disk driver sector failure holds holds storage<br> name type size group metadata data status availability pool<br> ———— ——– —— ———– ——– —– ————- ———— ————<br> nsd1 nsd 512 1 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd2 nsd 512 2 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd3 nsd 512 3 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd4 nsd 512 4 Yes Yes ready up system<br> <br> # mmdeldisk /dev/c16fs "nsd3;nsd4"<br> Deleting disks …<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning user file metadata …<br> 100.00 % complete on Tue Nov 25 10:04:21 2014<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Checking Allocation Map for storage pool system<br> tsdeldisk completed.<br> mmdeldisk: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all<br> affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.<br> <br> # mmlsdisk /dev/c16fs<br> disk driver sector failure holds holds storage<br> name type size group metadata data status availability pool<br> ———— ——– —— ———– ——– —– ————- ———— ————<br> nsd1 nsd 512 1 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd2 nsd 512 2 Yes Yes ready up system<br> <br> # cat nsd_pool1.lis<br> %nsd: device=/dev/vdd<br> nsd=nsd3<br> usage=dataOnly<br> failureGroup=3<br> pool=pool1<br> %nsd: device=/dev/vde<br> nsd=nsd4<br> usage=dataOnly<br> failureGroup=4<br> pool=pool1<br> <br> # mmadddisk /dev/c16fs -F nsd_pool1.lis<br> <br> The following disks of fs will be formatted on node c16-serv1:<br> nsd3: size 1048576000 KB<br> nsd4: size 1048576000 KB<br> Extending Allocation Map<br> Creating Allocation Map for storage pool pool1<br> Flushing Allocation Map for storage pool pool1<br> Disks up to size 9.1 TB can be added to storage pool pool1.<br> Checking Allocation Map for storage pool pool1<br> Completed adding disks to file system c16fs.<br> mmadddisk: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all<br> affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.<br> <br> # mmlsdisk /dev/c16fs<br> disk driver sector failure holds holds storage<br> name type size group metadata data status availability pool<br> ———— ——– —— ———– ——– —– ————- ———— ————<br> nsd1 nsd 512 1 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd2 nsd 512 2 Yes Yes ready up system<br> nsd3 nsd 512 3 No Yes ready up pool1<br> nsd4 nsd 512 4 No Yes ready up pool1<br> <br> </p></html>
Cambia il disk usage dei dischi nsd1 e nsd2 in metadataOnly: i dati non potranno piu' stare sul pool system. Ribilancia il file system spostando i dati presenti sul pool system. Prova a creare un file vuoto ed un file con dati sul file system.
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # mmchdisk /dev/c16fs change -d "nsd1:::metadataOnly:1::;nsd2:::metadataOnly:2::"<br> Attention: No data disks remain in the system pool.<br> Use mmapplypolicy to migrate all data left in the system pool to other storage pool.<br> Attention: Disk parameters were changed.<br> Use the mmrestripefs command with the -r option to relocate data and metadata.<br> Verifying file system configuration information …<br> mmchdisk: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all<br> affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.<br> <br> # mmrestripefs /dev/c16fs -r<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 …<br> Scanning file system metadata for pool1 storage pool<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 …<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> Scanning user file metadata …<br> 100.00 % complete on Tue Nov 25 10:12:41 2014<br> Scan completed successfully.<br> <br> # touch /gpfs/c16fs/empty_file<br> <br> # ls -l /gpfs/c16fs/empty_file<br> -rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Nov 25 10:13 empty_file<br> <br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/file<br> -bash: echo: write error: No space left on device </p></html>
Definisci una placement policy per il file system c<#>fs che metta i dati del fileset fset1 nello storage pool pool1
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # cat /root/placement_policy.txt<br> RULE 'pool1' SET POOL 'pool1' FOR FILESET (fset1)<br> RULE 'default' SET POOL 'system'<br> <br> # mmchpolicy /dev/c16fs /root/placement_policy.txt<br> Validated policy `placement_policy.txt': parsed 2 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 0 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,<br> 0 List Rules, 0 External Pool/List Rules<br> Policy `placement_policy.txt' installed and broadcast to all nodes.<br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/fset1/file<br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/fset2/file<br> -bash: echo: write error: No space left on device<br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/file<br> -bash: echo: write error: No space left on device<br> <br> </p></html>
Estendete la placement policy sullo storage pool pool1 a tutti i file
<html><p style="border:1px dashed; background-color:#D9D9D9;"> # cat /root/placement_policy.txt<br> RULE 'pool1' SET POOL 'pool1'<br> RULE 'default' SET POOL 'system'<br> # mmchpolicy /dev/c16fs /root/placement_policy.txt<br> Validated policy `placement_policy.txt': parsed 2 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 0 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,<br> 0 List Rules, 0 External Pool/List Rules<br> Policy `placement_policy.txt' installed and broadcast to all nodes.<br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/fset2/file<br> # echo OK > /gpfs/c16fs/file<br> <br> </p></html>