La gestione delle reti interne al progetto è demandata agli utenti del middleware cloud.
Perché le VM associate ad un progetto possano collegarsi in rete sono necessarie le seguenti operazioni propedeutiche:
Queste operazioni possono essere eseguite attraverso la dashboard, ma può essere utile usare questo script per rendere l'operazione più semplice e veloce.
#!/bin/bash REGION=$OS_REGION_NAME DOMAIN=$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME PROJECT=$OS_PROJECT_NAME while getopts "p:d:r:h" opt; do case "$opt" in p) PROJECT=$OPTARG OS_PROJECT_NAME=$PROJECT ;; d) DOMAIN=$OPTARG OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=$DOMAIN ;; r) REGION=$OPTARG OS_REGION_NAME=$REGION ;; h) echo "This script is intended for easing the setup of a basic network environment for OpenStack projects." echo "Enter the dashboard, on the top right corner click on you username and download the \"OpenStack RC file V3\"." echo "Execute the downloaded file in a terminal - you will be prompted for you password -, and execute this script." echo "Make sure you close the terminal immediately after finishing in order to avoid you password being kept in memory." echo "Project, region and domain names can be overridden with -p, -r and -d." exit 1 ;; esac done #if [[ -z "$PROJECT" ]] || [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]] #then # echo "Project and domain name must be set with -p and -d" # exit 1 #fi # The names of the new network, subnet and router are obtained from the project name NETWORK=$PROJECT-net SUBNET=$PROJECT-subnet ROUTER=$PROJECT-router echo "" # Get the public net id of the selected region PUBLIC_NET_ID=`openstack network show public -f value -c id` if [[ -z "$PUBLIC_NET_ID" ]] then echo "" echo "Could not obtain public network id" echo "Make sure you have all the necessary variables correctly set before retrying" echo "" exit 1 fi # Verify that the project exists PROJECT_ID=`openstack project show $PROJECT -f value -c id` if [[ -z "$PROJECT_ID" ]] then echo "" # echo "Could not find project $PROJECT in domain $DOMAIN" echo "Make sure you have all the necessary variables correctly set before retrying" echo "" exit 1 fi # Generate a random network address ( Avoid, and some more because they may conflict when doing VPN from home networks FLOOR=10 RANGE=250 NUMBER=0 while [ "$NUMBER" -le "$FLOOR" ] do NUMBER=$RANDOM let "NUMBER %= $RANGE" # Scales $number down within $RANGE. done GATEWAY=192.168.$NUMBER.1 NET=192.168.$NUMBER CIDR=192.168.$NUMBER.0/24 NETWORK_ID=`openstack network show $NETWORK -f value -c id 2>/dev/null` echo "" echo "Will try to create network \"$NETWORK\" for project \"$PROJECT\" in domain \"$DOMAIN\" and region \"$REGION\"." echo "The associate subnet will use the following class C network: $CIDR." echo "" read -r -p "Are you sure? [Y/n]" response response=${response,,} # tolower if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y| ) ]] || [[ -z $response ]]; then /bin/true else echo "Exiting" echo "" exit fi if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "Network $NETWORK ($NETWORK_ID) exists already" else echo "Creating network $NETWORK" # Create a new private network for the project NETWORK_ID=`openstack network create \ -f value -c id \ --project $PROJECT \ --project-domain $DOMAIN \ --description "Private network for the $PROJECT project" \ --enable \ --enable-port-security \ --internal \ --provider-network-type vxlan \ --no-share \ $NETWORK` echo "Network $NETWORK ($NETWORK_ID) created" fi SUBNET_ID=`openstack subnet show $SUBNET -f value -c id 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "Subnet $SUBNET ($SUBNET_ID) exists already" else echo "Creating subnet $SUBNET" # Create a new subnet for the project SUBNET_ID=`openstack subnet create \ -f value -c id \ --project $PROJECT \ --project-domain $DOMAIN \ --description "Subnet for the $PROJECT project" \ --network $NETWORK \ --dhcp \ --ip-version 4 \ --gateway $GATEWAY \ --allocation-pool start=$NET.10,end=$NET.250 \ --subnet-range $CIDR \ $SUBNET` echo "Subnet $SUBNET ($SUBNET_ID) created" fi ROUTER_ID=`openstack router show $ROUTER -f value -c id 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "Router $ROUTER ($ROUTER_ID) exists already" else echo "Creating router $ROUTER" # Create a new router for the project ROUTER_ID=`openstack router create \ -f value -c id \ --project $PROJECT \ --project-domain $DOMAIN \ --description "Router for the $PROJECT project" \ --enable \ $ROUTER` echo "Router $ROUTER ($ROUTER_ID) created" # Connect the router to the external network and to the internal subnet openstack router set \ --external-gateway $PUBLIC_NET_ID \ $ROUTER_ID openstack router add subnet \ $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET_ID fi
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