Table of Contents

Digital Identity

In order to access INFN services a digital identity is required. This can be obtained through a self-service registration procedure.

Users with a non-certified (LoA1) digital identity can only access a limited set of INFN services (i.e.
Users with a certified (LoA2) digital identity are allowed to access an extended set of INFN services (IT resources, economic ties, etc.).

To obtain a certified (LoA2) identity, you must first obtain a non-certified (LoA1) identity.

Request a non-certified (LoA1) digital identity

Connect to: UserPortal and press the button: Register

Fill the required fields paying close attention to:

Note that the "Italian tax code" field is mandatory only for italian citizens


Press the button: Register
and wait for a confirmation message.


A message, similar to the one below, will be sent to the email address specified in the previous form:

Conferma e-mail

Connect to the address specified in the message. The following confirmation message will be displayed upon success:


After that you will receive another e-mail message, similar to the one below, to confirm your LoA1 digital identity has been successuflly registered:

Conferma account

Request a certified (LoA2) digital identity

First, you must have a non-certified (LoA1) identity. Follow previous instructions if you haven't got one yet.

Connect to::
using your LoA1 credentials (email address / password)

Your profile data will be displayed.


By selecting the item "Enabling requests" specify if you want to obtain a certified identity (Verify identity) and/or access to IT resources and/or have Economic ties with the INFN.

Enabling requests

Attention to access to IT resources or to have Economic ties with the INFN it is necessary to have a certified identity.

You will be asked to provide some personal data. Those are necessary to obtain your requests.
You must declare to have read and accepted the information note on the processing of personal data at INFN.

personal data


After pressing the button: Next step

Recognition office

Only for who have chosen access to IT resources



After submission, you can check the progress of the your identity verification, in the "Profile" section.

Your (LoA2) digital identity request will be completed once the INFN identity certification office will contact you to perform a "de visu" identification.


LoA1 (Level of Assurance 1): Minimum confidence of declared identity
LoA2 (Level of Assurance 2): The claimed identity is reasonably reliable