====== THEOCLUSTER ZEFIRO ====== {{:strutture:pi:computing_center:index.png|}} Zefiro è il theocluster (cluster per il calcolo di fisica teorica) di nuova installazione relativo al progetto SUMA [[http://vh2.pi.infn.it|SUMA Project]]. E' costituito da 32 macchine ciascuna con 512 Gb di ram e 4 processori (ciascuno da 16 core); conta quindi 2048 core di calcolo [[http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Opteron%206380%20-%20OS6380WKTGGHK.html|AMD Opteron 6380 (2,5GHz)]] e collegamento Infiniband QDR gestiti da uno switch [[http://www.mellanox.com/page/products_dyn?product_family=71|Mellanox IS5100]] a 108 porte. L'utilizzo previsto è quello del calcolo locale e per l'accesso ad esso è stata dedicata una User Interface specifica. Gli accessi sono regolati tramite lo scheduler [[http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/technicalcomputing/platformcomputing/products/lsf/|LSF]] nella versione 9. {{indexmenu_n>1}} [[strutture:pi:computing_center:theocluster:accesso|ACCESSO AL CLUSTER]]\\ [[strutture:pi:computing_center:theocluster:job|USO DEL CLUSTER]]\\ [[strutture:pi:computing_center:storage_teorici|STORAGE AREA RISERVATA AI FISICI TEORICI]] [[strutture:pi:computing_center:zefiro2014|Zefiro 2014]] ---- ---- ---- \\ english version Zefiro is a cluster (for theoretical physics) of the SUMA project [[http://vh2.pi.infn.it|SUMA Project]], It's made up of 32 computer each with 512 GB of RAM, 4 processors (each with 16 cores). then there will be a total of 2048 computing cores [[http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Bulldozer/AMD-Opteron%206380%20-%20OS6380WKTGGHK.html|AMD Opteron 6380 (2,5GHz)]] and Infiniband connection QDR managed by a switch [[http://www.mellanox.com/related-docs/prod_ib_switch_systems/PB_IS5025.pdf|Mellanox IS5025]] with 36 ports. It's provided a use for local calculation ane was made a specific User Interface. The accesses are regulated by the scheduler [[http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/technicalcomputing/platformcomputing/products/lsf/|LSF]] version 9. [[strutture:pi:computing_center:theocluster:accesso|ACCESS]]\\ [[strutture:pi:computing_center:theocluster:job|UTILIZATION]]\\ [[strutture:pi:computing_center:storage_teorici|RESERVED STORAGE AREA]]