=== July 10th 2012 === | Run | time | run conditions | comments | | 760 | 12:30 | pedestals| ch 0,1,2 with PMTs| | 761 | 12:40 | LED | HV on | | 762 | 13:00 | LED | HV on, change timing| | 763 | 18:35 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 900V| | 764 | 19:15 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V| | 765 | 19:45 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V, ch0 light tight, flanges darkened| | 766 | 19:57 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V, ch0 light tight| | 767 | 19:57 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V, ch0 light tight, dt=150| | 768 | 19:57 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V, ch0 light tight, dt=250| | 769 | 20:21 | electrons but not to chamber | HV 500V, ch0 light tight, dt=50, magnet on| | 771-781 | 22:31 |problems after powercut| trigger timing changed | | 782 | 0:21 |electrons in chamber|HV 500V, all light tight, dt=50, B=0 | | 783 | 0:21 |electrons in chamber|HV 500V, all light tight, dt=50, B=0.45| === July 11th 2012 === HW changes: 1) the second stage of the dual timer has been replaced by a Stanford for reliable and reproducible setting. 2) all five channels have been equipped with PMT+Electronics 3) the chamber of the spectrometer has been connected with the interaction region (i.e. the glass window removed) 4) a lead collimator has been inserted between the gas jet and the spectrometer Plan of the day: A) scan in integration time to find the best timing [with small magnet in] B) scan in HV to equalize gains [with small magnet in] C) spectrum with B=0 and B>0 (with small magnet out, having subtracted the common background) |Run | time | run conditions | comments | |789 | 15:47 |No Beam HV on ch 0-4 500 V | pedestals| |790 | 16:22 |No Beam HV on ch 0-4 900 V | pedestals| |793 | 16:22 |electrons | HV=500V. EM Noise is Back!| |794-797| 17-18| Trigger Test|the trigger doesn't works| |798| 19:38|T (signal splitting) removed from trigger |the trigger works| |799|19:44|HV = 0V, laser+plasma|Electronic noise| |800|20:00| HV=0, laser+plasma, reinforce grounding| |801|20:04| try HV=500 but impossible to take data| |804|22:50| HV=700 PMT 0, HV=0 PMT 1-4|saturation on PMT 0| |805|22:52| HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4|now verify that noise on PMT0 increases with num of connected cards| |806|23:26| HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4|only card 1 is connected, with the attenuator| |807|23:36| HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0.45T| |808|23:47| HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0.45T, card 1 2 3 are connected with attenuators| |809-814| 23:59|HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0, scan in time reveals that t=0 is the best -->anticipate trigger| |816-821| 24:10|HV=600 PMT 0 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0, scan in time: best timing dt = 100 ns| |822|24:27|HV=550 V PMT 0, HV=600 PMT 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0| |823|24:30|HV=550 V PMT 0, HV=600 PMT 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0| |824|24:37|HV=500 V PMT 0, HV=600 PMT 1 2, HV=0 PMT 3 4| B=0| |825|24:37|HV=OFF| B=0| |826|24:41|HV=900 PMT 0 1 2| B=0| |827|24:45|HV=900 PMT 0 1 2, dt=0| B=0| === July 12th 2012 === Investigated noise problem. Disappears by using screened cable for DY12 |Run | time | run conditions | comments | | 829|13:29 |hv 800 ch 0,1,2 |B=0 | | 830|13:32 |hv 900 ch 0,1,2 |B=0 | | 831|13:35 |hv 800 ch 0,1,2 | B=0 magnete flame in| | 832|14:10 |hv 500 ch 0,1,2 | B=0 magnete flame in remove attenuators| | 833|14:15 |hv 600 ch 0,1,2 | B=0 magnete flame in remove attenuators| | 834-852|15:33 |hv 600 ch 0-4 | trigger problems| | 853-858|16:40 |hv 600 ch 0-4 | time scan| | 859-870|16:45 |hv 500 ch 0-4 | time scan| | 871-872|17:30 |HV scan to equalize| establish that HV={580,550,500,480,480}. Found that last two cables are swapped | | 873 | B>0| turn on magnet. Hv default.| Elettroni deviati!!!| | 874 | B>0 | magnet ON. HV default | costanti di calibrazione Offline C=(1.2,1,1.5,1.1,1.4)| | 875 | B>0 | HV def | Collimatore: 2 blocchetti 5 cm Pb dopo la finestra con 2 mm separazione: 40 mrad * 100 cm --> dx=4 cm | | 876 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore; B ramping down? | | 877 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore | | 878 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore | | 879 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore chiuso; scambiati canali 3 e 4 che erano invertiti; C=(1.2,1,1.5,1.4,1.1) | | 882 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore chiuso | | 883 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore chiuso; Flame Magnet IN; Use for Ped File | | 884 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore aperto 2mm; Flame Magnet OUT; usb problem at the end| | 885 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore aperto 2mm; Flame Magnet OUT| | 886 | B=0 | HV def | Collimatore aperto 1cm; Flame Magnet OUT| | 887 | B=0.5 T | HV def | Collimatore aperto 1cm; Flame Magnet OUT| === July 13th 2012 === Debug of spectrometer trigger. Problems with upper part of logic unit, replaced with lower part. Dual timer removed, veto implemented with Stanford D signal set to 500 mus. Delay and width of trigger button revised, set to 500 mus. Missing alignment with photocatode. === July 18th 2012 === Pedestal studies | 896 | 12:21| HV off| Only maroc 0 board+cable; no laser| | 897 | 12:26| HV off| Only maroc 0 board+cable; no laser| RMS 12 cts | | 899 | 12:26| HV off| Only maroc 0 board no cable; no laser; improved trigger cable| RMS 1.5 cts | Giulietto Felici works on electronics to improve grounding and box. === July 25th 2012 === test electronics with new shielding | 900 | 10:37| pedestals| 5cards but no cables; RMS 1-2 ADC| | 901 | 10:40| pedestals| 5cards cable #0 in; HV off; RMS ~6 for first 43 channels, 10-18 for the others | | 902 | 10:44| pedestals| 5cards cable #0 in; HV=900V; RMS ~6 for first 43 channels, 10-18 for the others | | 903 | 10:52| LED run| 5cards cable #0 in; HV=900V | | 904 | 14:26| pedestals| 5cards all cables in; HV=0V | | 905 | 14:29| pedestals| 5cards all cables in; HV=default | | 905 | 14:29| pedestals| 5cards all cables in; HV=default -- high stat |