==== Software Documentation ==== [[strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:software_documentation:SPMDaq| Data Acquisition and analysis software]] All directories are referred to the svn repository svn://c1p8.roma1.infn.it/PlasmonX === Beam Tracing (Mathematica notebook) === Directory: SPMFastSimu code for the initial : ???.nb === Detailed Simulation (GEANT) === === Event Reconstruction and analysis === == Unfolding Method based on Bayes' Theorem == Once the electrons are detected using scintillating fibers as detector we need to reconstruct the energy spectrum starting from the charge distribution collected on the fibers. The problem can be divided in two steps: 1- given energy and initial divergence calculate the final position on the fibers. 2- given the charge distribution on the fibers reconstruct the energy distribution of the beam. The first step is required in order to characterize the detector response. In our approach the motion of the electrons in the magnetic field is evaluated trough numerical integration of the equations of motion. To perform the second step we have used Bayesian Unfolding technique discussed in {{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:multidimunfold.pdf|}}. A summary of the theoretical principles and the application of Bayesian Unfolding to the concrete physical case is presented in {{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:bunfolding.pdf|}}.