=== Our Pubblications === [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2011.02.007|Development of a multi-GeV spectrometer for laser-plasma experiment at FLAME. ]] [[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1002.3497.pdf| Multi-GeV Electron Spectrometer. ]] ==== Related papers ==== A review about laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators can be found at: http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&id=RMPHAT000081000003001229000001&idtype=cvips&prog=normal Some interesting papers are the following: ** A- Best results in LPA.** In experiments at LBNL the energy gain was extended to the GeV range using higher laser powers (40TW) using longer plasma channels (3.3cm) and lower plasma densities (10^18 cm-3) so to extend the dephasing length: * GeV electron beams from a centimeter-scale channel guided laser wakefield accelerator{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:nakamura_physofplasmas_2007.pdf|}}; MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUTE FUR QUANTENOPTIK have demonstrated quasimonoenegetic electron beams as high as 500MeV by focusing a 750mJ, 42fs laser pulse into a gas filled capillary discharge waveguide: * GeV-scale electron acceleration in a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide {{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:karsh_njp_2007.pdf|}} At RAL additional experiments with capillary discharge waveguides suggest taht in certain operation regimes electron self-trapping may be assisted by laser ionization of atoms or ions within the capillary * Laser-Driven Acceleration of Electrons in a Partially Ionized Plasma Channel:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:rowlands-rees_prl_2008.pdf|}}; ** B- Attention for plasma accelerators and staging:** * First Staging of Two Laser Accelerators:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:kimura_prl_2001.pdf|}}; * Demonstration of High-Trapping Efficiency and Narrow Energy Spread in a Laser-Driven Accelerator:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:kimura_prl_2004.pdf|}}; ** C- Already studied spectrometers ** With scintillating Fibers: * A compact electron spectrometer for hot electron measurement in pulsed laser solid interaction:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:chen_revsciinstrum_2003.pdf|}}; * A novel 45-channel electron spectrometer for high intensity laser-plasma interaction studies:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:gahn_revsciinstrum_2000.pdf|}}; With Lanex: * Broadband single-shot electron spectrometer for GeV-class laser-plasma-based accelerators:{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:nakamura_revsciinstrum_2008.pdf|}}; * A COMPACT ELECTRON SPECTROMETER FOR AN LWFA: {{:strutt{{:strutture:lnf:da:plasmonx:lpa:spectrometer:weaau05.pdf|}};