==== WCM ==== //OUTSIDE BTF LINE//\\ Two WCM are placed before the pulsed magnet (WCMTM01) and after SLTB001 (WCMTB01)\\ One WCM is installed at the end of the DHSTB002 dipole straight line (WCMTB02).\\ **BERGOZ ICT 122-070-05-1**\\ [[http://www.bergoz.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29&Itemid=37|Bergoz site Link]]\\ {{:strutture:lnf:da:btf:diagnostica:wcm_bergoz.pdf|Manual}} \\ **Current to charge conversion with QDC:** After having performed a pedestal subtraction, the ADC value is converted to charge with this formula:\\ ADC(pede sub)/4095*FS(ch)*G= Q [pC]\\ where:\\ * ADC(pede sub) = pedestal subtracted ADC value * FS(ch)= range in [pC] of the selected dual range channel (100pC or 900pC, new version of V965) * Q is the charge expressed in pC * G=10(WCM btf), 20(WCM linac) **Current to charge conversion with One electron:** Put on peak the value of * 0.819 for a 800pC * 0.728 for 900pC * 6.552 for 100pC and validate,\\ \\ the #ele control will measure the value of total integrated charge in unit of 10^7 electrons\\ **Current to charge conversion with oscilloscope:** -- Integrated Charge with measure reference bars (measure outputted by scope)= C [pV*s] -- Pedestal = F[pV*s] (same as signal measure, triggered with DHSTB001 in stby mode) -- Internal resistance = R[Ohm] -- Bergoz monitor calibration => Q(beam)/Q(out) @ 50 Ohm = g = 10(btf) 20(linac) -- Bunch pulse width = dt [ns] Formula to obtain induced charge on WCM via scope: Q[pC]=g*[(C-F)/R] Formula to obtain mean current from single bunches (To be compared with LINAC WCMTM001 in order to measure transport efficiency): I[mA]= { g*(C[pVs]-F[pVs]) /50[Ohm]}/dt[ns] Measure 20131213 on WCMTB002 (straight line) with pedestal subtracted (201312101258.ped) of value (63.02/2.17)(484.41/16.76)