====== ICARUSCODE ====== ==== Setup icaruscode ==== In order to setup icarucode version ''vXX_YY_ZZ'' with qualifier ''eNN:PPP'', just do: source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh setup icaruscode vXX_YY_ZZ -q eNN:PPP ==== Install icaruscode for development ==== wd="/opt/exp_software/icarus/users/${USER}/my_dev_area" vers="v09_37_02_06" qual="e20:prof" mkdir -p ${wd} cd ${wd} source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh setup icaruscode ${vers} -q ${qual} export MRB_PROJECT=icaruscode mrb n -v ${vers} -q ${qual} source ${wd}/localProducts_icaruscode_${vers}_${qual/:/_}/setup cd srcs mrb g -t ${vers} icaruscode cd $MRB_BUILDDIR mrbsetenv mrb install -j 2 ==== vscode jupiter with icaruscode ==== Open the working directory with vscode and launch a terminal. In the terminal, run the following commands: source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh setup icaruscode v09_72_00_02 -q e20:prof export > .env sed -i "s:declare -x ::g" .env which python3 {{progetti:icarus:step1.png?1000}} Copy the output of the last command which is the path of the python3 interpreter, then press Crtl + Shift + P and search for "Python interpreter". {{progetti:icarus:step2.png?1000}} Click on "Immettere il percorso dell'interprete" and paste the path of the python3 interpreter {{progetti:icarus:step3.png?1000}} {{progetti:icarus:step4.png?1000}} Create a notebook and click on "Select the kernel" in the top right corner. Click on "Ambienti Python" and select the python3 interpreter {{progetti:icarus:step5.png?1000}} {{progetti:icarus:step6.png?1000}} Then you will be able to use ROOT package and icaruscode class {{progetti:icarus:step7.png?1000}} ==== Support ==== For any kind of support refer to [[mailto:user-support@cnaf.infn.it|user-support@cnaf.infn.it]]