====== DISPLAY ====== ==== Install TITUS Event Display ==== Instructions and info are [[https://github.com/TITUS-EVD/gallery-framework|here]]. source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh setup icaruscode v09_78_06 -q e20:prof python3 -m venv myenv source myenv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install PyQt5==5.15.6 pip install pyqtgraph==0.12.4 git clone https://github.com/coreyjadams/gallery-framework.git cd gallery-framework source config/setup.sh cd $GALLERY_FMWK_BASEDIR make cd UserDev/EventDisplay/ source setup_evd.sh make evd.py -i To check which gallery-framework commit to use, login into a gpvm, then: source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh cd /icarus/app/TITUS/gallery-framework git log To check python package version: cd /icarus/app/TITUS source setup_TITUS.sh pip list ==== Use TITUS Event Display ==== source /opt/exp_software/icarus/titus/titus_v09_37_02_06/setup.sh evd.py -i ==== DECAF Display ==== cd /opt/exp_software/icarus/DECAF source scripts/setup_online.sh cafe event_display.C ==== Support ==== For any kind of support refer to [[mailto:user-support@cnaf.infn.it|user-support@cnaf.infn.it]]