====== Remove a compute node howto ====== Let's suppose that we want to remove, temporarily (e.g. for some maintenance operations) or forever (e.g. because it must be dismissed) a compute node (e.g. ''cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it'') from the Cloud production service). Please take into account also the notes for the [[http://wiki.infn.it/progetti/cloud-areapd/operations/live_migration_of_virtual_machines|Live Migration howto]] ===== Disable the compute node ===== Disable the compute node so that it is not used anymore to host new instances: # . keystone_admin.sh # nova-manage service disable cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it nova-compute ===== Migrate the VMs hosted on that compute node to other compute nodes ===== Find the VMs hosted in the relevant compute node: # nova list --host cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it --all-tenants +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ | 61449b0d-d890-457e-8ab5-a4fa29cc622c | mypubvm | ACTIVE | - | Running | AdminTesting-wan= | | 182a276f-7278-4d34-82d8-e8c58630a8b8 | myvm | ACTIVE | - | Running | AdminTesting-lan= | | ec8cad8a-ad38-4f0f-adc6-b79a1c46079d | testandroid | ACTIVE | - | Running | Admin-lan= | +--------------------------------------+-------------+--------+------------+-------------+-----------------------------+ Migrate them to other compute node(s) (''cld-nl-03.lnl.infn.it'') in the following example: # nova live-migration 61449b0d-d890-457e-8ab5-a4fa29cc622c cld-nl-03.cloud.pd.infn.it # nova live-migration 182a276f-7278-4d34-82d8-e8c58630a8b8 cld-nl-03.cloud.pd.infn.it # nova live-migration ec8cad8a-ad38-4f0f-adc6-b79a1c46079d cld-nl-03.cloud.pd.infn.it Check that indeed there are no other instances on the relevant compute node # nova list --host cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it --all-tenants +----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+ | ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | +----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+ +----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+ Now the compute node can be shutdown ===== Remove persistently the compute node ===== *Warning: the following operations haven't been fully tested* If and only if the compute node must be removed forever (e.g. because it has to be dismissed): * remove its network agents * remove it from the OpenStack Nova database: mysql> use nova_prod; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> delete from compute_node_stats where compute_node_id=(select cn.id from compute_nodes cn, services s where cn.service_id=s.id and s.host='cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it'); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> delete from compute_nodes where service_id=(select id from services where host='cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) mysql> delete from services where host='cld-nl-02.cloud.pd.infn.it'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) * remove the endpoints of the relevant compute nodes from the OpenStack Neutron database (in the following example the compute node to be removed has IP mysql> use neutron_prod; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> select * from ovs_tunnel_endpoints; +----------------+----+ | ip_address | id | +----------------+----+ | | 1 | | | 2 | | | 4 | | | 5 | | | 6 | | | 7 | | | 8 | +----------------+----+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> delete from ovs_tunnel_endpoints where id = 4; * ''service neutron-openvswitch-agent restart'' on all nodes