====== CAOS ======
The instances of CAOS are hosted on ''cld-caos'' and the dashboards are reachable on:
* Cloud Area Padovana: [[https://cld-caos.cloud.pd.infn.it]]
* Cloud Veneto: [[https://cld-caos.cloud.pd.infn.it/CloudVeneto]]
* EGI Fed-Cloud: [[https://cld-caos.cloud.pd.infn.it/EgiCloud]]
The links are reachable only from inside the Padova LAN. To connect from outside a SSH tunnel must be opened, e.g:
$ ssh -v -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -N -L 4000:cld-caos.cloud.pd.infn.it:443 gate.pd.infn.it
and then go to:
* Cloud Area Padovana: [[https://localhost:4000]]
* Cloud Veneto: [[https://localhost:4000/CloudVeneto/]]
* EGI Fed-Cloud: [[https://localhost:4000/EgiCloud/]]
===== Operations =====
The instances are managed by ''docker'' (through ''docker-compose'').
The templates are located in the following directories:
* Cloud Area Padovana: ''/root/caos/cap-prod''
* Cloud Veneto: ''/root/caos/cedc-prod''
* EGI Fed-Cloud: ''/root/caos/egi-prod''
Inside each directory a ''docker-compose.yml'' file contains the configuration for the particular instance.
==== MySQL databases ====
The instances store data in the following MySQL databases:
* Cloud Area Padovana: ''''
* Cloud Veneto: ''''
* EGI Fed-Cloud: ''''
==== How to start/stop an instance ====
Instances can be started by ''docker-compose up'', for example:
# cd /root/caos/cap-prod
# docker-compose up -d
Instances can be stopped by ''docker-compose down'', for example:
# cd /root/caos/cap-prod
# docker-compose down
==== How to update an instance ====
To update an instance, e.g. after changing the version of an image or changing configuration variables, issue the following command
docker-compose up -d
=== Update for Ocata (ongoing) ===
In the collector section of the ''docker-compose.yml'' file, set the environment variable
This enables the correct collection of the wall clock time.
==== How to create a new instance ====
=== 1. Create a docker network ===
=== 2. Create a database ===
Create a database, for example:
GRANT ALL ON caos.* TO 'caos'@'192.168.60.%' IDENTIFIED BY '***';
GRANT ALL ON caos.* TO 'caos'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '***';
=== 3. Create a openstack user ===
openstack user create --password=*** caos
openstack role add --project admin --user caos admin
Then check connectivity to the DB and eventually migrate the schema with
docker-compose run --rm tsdb dbcheck
docker-compose run --rm tsdb migrate
=== 4. Create a r/o user in mongo ===
use ceilometer
user: "caos",
pwd: "***",
roles: [
{ role: "read", db: "ceilometer" }
===== HTTPS/SSL =====
HTTPS/SSL communication is managed by the nginx proxy. The certificates (self-signed) are located at:
* certificate: ''/root/caos/nginx/certificate.crt''
* private key: ''/root/caos/nginx/privateKey.key''
After changing the above files, remember to restart the proxy:
# cd /root/caos/nginx
# docker-compose restart
===== Configuration =====
The TSDB, collector and dashboard can be easily configured through environment variables, whose meaning is explained below.
==== TSDB ====
^ Variable ^ Example Value ^ Description ^
| CAOS_TSDB_LOGGER_LOG_FILE_LEVEL | debug | Log level |
| CAOS_TSDB_PORT | 4444 | Port to which to expose the service |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_USERNAME | caos_user | Database username |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_PASSWORD | CAOS_DB_PWD | Database password |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_NAME | caos_db | Database name |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_HOSTNAME | db-host | Database host |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_PORT | 3306 | Database port |
| CAOS_TSDB_DB_POOL_SIZE | 1 | Number of connections to the database |
| CAOS_TSDB_AUTH_TOKEN_TTL | 86400 | Time to live of authentication tokens (in seconds) |
| CAOS_TSDB_AUTH_SECRET_KEY | 0aaudveXM4+AcgYDTDj7wWDGfQ0MR4iiS7PpEWaueTo= | Some random key used for signing tokens. Can be generated for example with ''openssl rand -base64 32'' |
| CAOS_TSDB_AUTH_IDENTITY_USERNAME | admin | Username used to access the service |
| CAOS_TSDB_AUTH_IDENTITY_PASSWORD | ADMIN_PASS | Password used to access the service |
==== Collector ====
^ Variable ^ Example Value ^ Description ^
| OS_* | | Openstack auth variables |
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_TSDB_API_URL | http://localhost:4444/api/v1 | Url of TSDB api |
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_OPENSTACK_VERSION | ocata | Openstack version |
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_CEILOMETER_POLLING_PERIOD | 600 | Ceilometer polling period (seconds) |
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_CEILOMETER_BACKEND | gnocchi | Backend to query data from ('gnocchi' or 'mongodb') |
The following variables are used if ''CAOS_COLLECTOR_CEILOMETER_BACKEND'' is set to ''mongodb'':
^ Variable ^ Example Value ^ Description ^
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_MONGODB | %%mongodb://caos:passmongo-host:27017/ceilometer%% | MongoDB connection string |
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_MONGODB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 1 | MongoDB connection timeout (seconds) |
The following variables are used if ''CAOS_COLLECTOR_CEILOMETER_BACKEND'' is set to ''gnocchi'':
^ Variable ^ Example Value ^ Description ^
| CAOS_COLLECTOR_CEILOMETER_GNOCCHI_POLICY_GRANULARITY | 300 | The granularity of the policy used to store data in gnocchi (seconds) |
==== Dashboard ====
^ Variable ^ Example Value ^ Description ^
| CAOS_DASHBOARD_TSDB_HOST | localhost | TSDB host |
| CAOS_DASHBOARD_BASE_NAME | site | If the dashboard is exposed as a sub-url, this must match the sub-url. For example if the dashboard will be exposed at http://some-host/site-name, then set ''CAOS_DASHBOARD_BASE_NAME'' to ''site-name'' |
| CAOS_DASHBOARD_SITE_NAME | Site Name | Name of the site, shown on login page|
==== CPU/RAM allocation ratio ====
CPU and RAM allocation ratio can be set in the file ''caos-collector.conf.yaml''. For example for cap-prod the file ''/root/caos/cap-prod/caos-collector.conf.yaml'' include a section like:
misfire_grace_time: 300
minute: '*/30'
- 'hypervisors_state --allocation-ratio="{cpu: {default: 4, cld-np-09.cloud.pd.infn.it: 1 }, ram: {default: 1.5, cld-np-09.cloud.pd.infn.it: 1 } }"'
The default allocation ratios (4 for cpu and 1.5 for ram) are set within the ''default'' key of ''cpu'' and/or ''ram''. Compute nodes specific values can be set by specifying the node name, like in the example above, where the node ''cld-np-09.cloud.pd.infn.it'' has both the cpu and ram allocation ratios set to 1.
If changes are made to the configuration file, remember to restart the collector:
# cd /root/caos/cap-prod
# docker-compose restart collector
**Notes for Ocata**: starting with Ocata the collector will read the allocation ratios using the nova placement api. Therefore the above configuration is not required anymore, but it can be used to override the values.
===== Meaning of the graphs =====
==== CPU ====
CPU related data
* **''CPU Time''**: CPU time consumed over the specified granularity
* **''TOTAL CPUs''**: Total CPU time available (number of cores in HT times the granularity)
* **''Wall Clock Time''**: VCPU time consumed over the specified granularity
* **''TOTAL VCPUs''**: Total VCPU time available (taking overcommitment into account)
* **''Quota''**: Total VCPU time available as given by quota.
==== CPU Efficiency ====
Ratio between **''CPU Time''** and **''Wall Clock Time''**
==== VCPU ====
* **''Used VCPUs''**: Number of used VCPUs
* **''TOTAL VCPUs''**: Total VCPUs available (taking overcommitment into account).
* **''Quota''**: Total VCPUs available as given by quota.
==== VRAM ====
* **''VRAM usage''**
* **''Quota''**
==== Instances ====
* **''Active VMs''**: Number of active VMs
* **''Deleted VMs''**: Number of deleted VMs
* **''Quota''**: Total VMs available as set by quota
==== Usages ====
Resource usages in percent with respect of their quota.
* **''CPU efficiency''**: ratio between ''CPU Time'' and ''Wall Clock Time''
* **''VCPU''**: ratio between ''Used VCPUs'' and ''VCPUs quota''
* **''VRAM''**: ratio between ''Used VRAM'' and ''VRAM quota''
* **''Instances''**: ratio between ''Active VMs'' and ''VMs quota''