====== Configure Host "Puppet Run" on Foreman ====== ===== Reference ===== * [[http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/1/wiki/Puppetrun]] ===== Configuration Log ===== ==== on client node ==== * modify puppet.conf [root@cld-ganglia ~]# egrep -v '^ #|^#|^$' /etc/puppet/puppet.conf [main] vardir = /var/lib/puppet logdir = /var/log/puppet rundir = /var/run/puppet ssldir = $vardir/ssl listen = true <----------- new line [agent] pluginsync = true report = true ignoreschedules = true daemon = false ca_server = cld-foreman.cloud.pd.infn.it certname = cld-ganglia.cloud.pd.infn.it environment = production server = cld-foreman.cloud.pd.infn.it * modify auth.conf: [root@cld-ganglia ~]# tail -11 /etc/puppet/auth.conf # added to enable puppetrun path /run auth any method save allow cld-foreman.cloud.pd.infn.it # this one is not stricly necessary, but it has the merit # to show the default policy which is deny everything else path / auth any ==== on foreman node ==== * in foreman settings (More --> Settings --> "Puppet"tab), set puppetrun to "true". * enable foreman-proxy in sudoers: [root@cld-foreman ~]# grep foreman /etc/sudoers ## Allow foreman-proxy to do puppetrun Defaults:foreman-proxy !requiretty foreman-proxy ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/puppet kick *