====== GALILEO ======
=== NEWS ===
2015/02/23 Job accounting starts today. Users must be authorized by the "Iniziativa Specifica" to whom they belong.
2015/01/28 Galileo is open to the INFN users for the "pre-production" tests. The account for this activity is **INFNG_test**.
The MIC accelerators are not available yet.
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo| What is GALILEO]]
===== GALILEO login =====
* In order to become a CINECA user you have to register yourself on the CINECA UserDB ( https://userdb.hpc.cineca.it/user ). The procedure will create a new **username** associated to your identity (Skip this step if you already have a Cineca username).
* Each user must be associated to the Account raleted to the "iniziativa Specifica" (IS); this is needed for the accounting of the consumed budget. Please contact the responsible of your IS in order to be enabled.
* At the end of the previous step you can access the Galileo front-end **login.galileo.cineca.it** via ssh or other standard tools [[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/access-systems-0 | Access to the systems]]
The following command displays the accounts associated with your username and the relative usage:
login> saldo -b
===== GALILEO usage =====
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/general-information-0 | General Information]]
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/stay-tuned | Get in touch]]
==== Architecture ====
[[ http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo#systemarchitecture | Galileo Architecture]]
Model: IBM NeXtScale - Architecture: Linux Infiniband Cluster
Nodes: 516
Processors: 8-cores Intel Haswell 2.40 GHz (2 per node)
Cores: 16 cores/node, 8256 cores in total
Accelerators: 2 Intel Phi 7120p per node on 384 nodes (768 in total)
RAM: 128 GB/node, 8 GB/core
Internal Network: Infiniband with 4x QDR switches
Disk Space:2,500 TB of local storage
Peak Performance: xxx TFlop/s (to be defined)
To get on-line details:
login> pbsnodes -a | egrep '(Mom|available.mem|available.cpuspeed|available.nmics|available.ngpus)'
==== Batch scheduler ====
THe job management facility adopted by CINECA is PBS:
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/batch-scheduler-pbs-0 | Batch Scheduler PBS ]]
Routing Queue "route": This is the default queue.
You have only to declare how many resources you need and your job will be directed into the right queue with a right priority.
Normal parallel jobs will be routed to the "shared" execution queue. The maximum number of nodes that you can require is 128 with a maximum walltime of 24 hours.
Script example (script.pbs)
#PBS -N prova
#PBS -l walltime=02:00:00
#PBS -l select=16:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=16
#PBS -A INFNG_test
module load intel/cs-xe-2015--binary
module load intelmpi/5.0.2--binary
cd working_dir
mpirun executable
Submit your job
qsub script.pbs
Monitor your job
qstat [-u username]
Cancel your job
qdel JOB.id
Interactive example (option -I):
qsub -l select=1:ncpus=16 -A INFNG_test -I
> exit
== Default values assigned by the queue manager ==
* 1 CPU
* 8GB of memory (each node has 128 GB ram)
* Max Walltime: 30 minutes
* MICs : 0
* MPI processes : 1 per node
* cores allocation: Pack (try to pack requested CPU on smallest number of nodes)
The default walltime is 30 minutes.
== More complex requests ==
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l ncpus=16,walltime=24:00:00 # ask 16 CPUs and 1 day walltime
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=2:ncpus=16:mem=120gb # ask 2 chunks of 16 nodes each (2 whole nodes)
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=16:ncpus=1,place=scatter # Each chunk is allocated to a separate host (default)
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=16:ncpus=1,place=pack # All chunks are allocated from vnodes on the same host
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=2:ncpus=16:mem=124gb:nmics=2 # ask 2 whole node including MICs (16 cores and 124 GB and 2 MICs per node)
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=2:ncpus=16:mem=120gb:mpiprocs=1 # PBS_NODEFILE incluedes 1 istance per node (default)
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=2:ncpus=16:mem=120gb:mpiprocs=16 # PBS_NODEFILE incluedes 16 istances per node
==== Storage ====
CINECA documentation: [[ http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo#disks | Galileo Disks and file system]]
$HOME (/galileo/home/userexternal/) (permanent/ backuped)
$CINECA_SCRATCH (/gpfs/scratch/userexternal/) (temporary)
$WORK ( /gpfs/work/ )
Use the local command "cindata" to query for disk usage and quota ("cindata -h" for help):
==== Software Environment ====
* OS: RedHat CentOS release 7, 64 bit
* Compilers, scientific libraries and tools are installed using the **software modules** mechanism.
CINECA Documentation: [[ http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo#programming | Programming environment]]
[[ http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo#compiler | Compilers]]
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/galileo#debugger | Debuggers and profilers]]
===== MIC job submission (Work in progress) =====
[[http://www.hpc.cineca.it/content/quick-guide-intel-mic-usage | CINECA quick guide]]
[[http://www.prace-ri.eu/Best-Practice-Guide-Intel-Xeon-Phi-HTML?lang=en | PRACE best practice guide]]
* login on one mic-node using command
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=1:ncpus=16:nmics=2 # select a whole node with 2 mics
* load needed modules and set variables
module load intel intelmpi mkl
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
export I_MPI_MIC=enable
* compile
* exit
==Execution on mic-node ==
qsub -A INFNG_test -I -l select=1:ncpus=16:nmics=2
module load intel
module load intelmpi
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
== Execution using PBS from front-end ==
Example of PBS file
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=16:nmics=2
#PBS -l walltime=00:20:00
#PBS -A INFNG_test
# load required modules
module load intel intelmpi mkl
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
export I_MPI_MIC=enable
export MIC0=$(head -n 1 $PBS_NODEFILE | sed "s/[(DDD).]/$1-mic0./")
export MIC1=$(head -n 1 $PBS_NODEFILE | sed "s/[(DDD).]/$1-mic1./")
export MIC_PATH=
export MIC_PATH=$MIC_PATH:/eurora/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2013/binary/composer_xe_2013/mkl/lib/mic/
export MIC_PATH=$MIC_PATH:/eurora/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2013/binary/composer_xe_2013/lib/mic
mpirun -genv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $MIC_PATH -host ${MIC0},${MIC1} -perhost 1 ./imb/3.2.4/bin/IMB-MPI1.mic pingpong
// 2015/02/23//