====== Installazione di una nuova regione in INFN Cloud ====== ===== File per autenticazione Keystone ===== export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin\\ export OS_USERNAME=admin\\ export OS_PASSWORD=\\ export OS_AUTH_URL="https://keystone.ha.infn.it:5000/v2.0/"\\ export OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/Keystone_INFN_CA.pem\\ export OS_REGION_NAME=\\ \\ Il certificato Keystone_INFN_CA.pem รจ \\ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\ MIICaDCCAdGgAwIBAgIJAIRxL0gdXhJiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAME0xCzAJBgNV\\ BAYTAklUMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVJdGFseTENMAsGA1UECgwESU5GTjENMAsGA1UECwwE\\ TE5HUzEQMA4GA1UEAwwHTE5HUyBDQTAeFw0xNDAxMDgwODQ2MjlaFw0xNzAxMDcw\\ ODQ2MjlaME0xCzAJBgNVBAYTAklUMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVJdGFseTENMAsGA1UECgwE\\ SU5GTjENMAsGA1UECwwETE5HUzEQMA4GA1UEAwwHTE5HUyBDQTCBnzANBgkqhkiG\\ 9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAxL3BJqHs5qXR3Xfxi86z84G5x2oxO7wtqIVztf2w\\ LEicFlTJiqtlrg66NhMKOcmNCP12pbKJNSYgox1OzFVVmR09PwPImK/fDEYKXcHc\\ fFCxygNvCDLzlXhx/n96Zf6aFliInhlA/Jpm1ks2kLobFU922L2r/oKub1UIF8RL\\ GRMCAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFEvGGkxFxH0a4ds/8gMNnAugwmkxMB8GA1Ud\\ IwQYMBaAFEvGGkxFxH0a4ds/8gMNnAugwmkxMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZI\\ hvcNAQEFBQADgYEAdEkNu3s2xkNC3sufWC3scacPm8TV2g7s42YqVs0OaTcGbH3Y\\ TwcI+AlFzKtk0nxGLnJH/SwmfL+qAJ6SD7beMOEf6CX7woNCjAAxUmIEMgRRmSNj\\ 7IWlGeAF6i/XVKAk5JimfHysSfWmaVZMZGwwzpRoIGncd2ZHsNJp1D/dB5k=\\ -----END CERTIFICATE-----\\ ===== Utilizzo del KeyStone nazionale ===== [[cn:ccr:cloud:autenticazione_openstack:keystone_wan|Keystone distribuito]] ===== Guidelines per la creazione endpoint ===== - non devi creare i servizi su keystone ma devi usare quelli che ci sono gia` root@havanaregion:~# keystone service-list +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | id | name | type | description | +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | 0eaf959bb77f467a86de0af3fd496cbf | cinder | volume | Cinder Volume Service | | c65c355e8b2f41ba940224cccffcc153 | cinderv2 | volumev2 | Cinder Volume Service v2 | | ab86a2e85a10433b992b9c521a7b62f9 | glance | image | Glance Image Service | | a7fc3ee278fc4335af037f9d12d7bda9 | keystone | identity | OpenStack Identity | | 285a0837f7764ec39c010008c20d9fd5 | neutron | network | OpenStack Networking Service | | b27150005a694c2390735440c062d9eb | nova | compute | Nova Compute service | | a6e2a12512464bd99c4815cc1fc1b5ae | swift | object-store | OpenStack Object Store Service | +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+--------------------------------+ - quando crei gli utenti di servizio, appendici il nome della sede, ad esempio: root@keystone-infn:~# keystone user-list | grep "\-lngs" | ad0ad189797245b59c55e48f034d4a40 | cinder-lngs | True | cloud@lngs.infn.it | | ab5d9b23f674488ba016bb09c8ea90df | glance-lngs | True | calcolo@lngs.infn.it | | f2b917b178e14c87b53d93a9dc850c77 | neutron-lngs | True | cloud@lngs.infn.it | | 0b741ff52266440aa1487dbdeb2981a9 | nova-lngs | True | cloud@lngs.infn.it | - vanno anche aggiunti al tenant service come admin keystone user-role-add --user= --tenant=service --role=admin - se vuoi appoggiarti alla dashboard qui ai lngs: https://havanactl.lngs.infn.it, o se preferisci, istanziane una tu - mi sa che gli ultimi aggiornamenti di havana accettano header html fino a 16K. Altrimenti, almeno per glance la patch e` descritta qui: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77108/3 - quando crei gli endpoint, ricordati di mettere la regione, es. keystone --os-region-name=rm2 endpoint-create --service-id=ab86a2e85a10433b992b9c521a7b62f9 --publicurl=http://cloud03.roma2.infn.it:9292 --internalurl=http://cloud03.roma2.infn.it:9292 --adminurl=http://cloud03.roma2.infn.it:9292 - se vuoi usare swift copiati l'endpoint da un'altra regione\\ - se vuoi usare swift come back-end per glance, in /etc/glance/glance-api.conf.\\ # Which backend scheme should Glance use by default is not specified # in a request to add a new image to Glance? Known schemes are determined # by the known_stores option below. # Default: 'file' #default_store = file default_store = swift ........ # ============ Swift Store Options ============================= # Version of the authentication service to use # Valid versions are '2' for keystone and '1' for swauth and rackspace swift_store_auth_version = 2 # Address where the Swift authentication service lives # Valid schemes are 'http://' and 'https://' # If no scheme specified, default to 'https://' # For swauth, use something like '' swift_store_auth_address = https://keystone.ha.infn.it:5000/v2.0/ swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL swift_store_auth_insecure = True # User to authenticate against the Swift authentication service # If you use Swift authentication service, set it to 'account':'user' # where 'account' is a Swift storage account and 'user' # is a user in that account swift_store_user = service:glance-swift # Auth key for the user authenticating against the # Swift authentication service swift_store_key = # Container within the account that the account should use # for storing images in Swift swift_store_container = glance # Do we create the container if it does not exist? swift_store_create_container_on_put = True # What size, in MB, should Glance start chunking image files # and do a large object manifest in Swift? By default, this is # the maximum object size in Swift, which is 5GB swift_store_large_object_size = 5120 # When doing a large object manifest, what size, in MB, should # Glance write chunks to Swift? This amount of data is written # to a temporary disk buffer during the process of chunking # the image file, and the default is 200MB swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200 # Whether to use ServiceNET to communicate with the Swift storage servers. # (If you aren't RACKSPACE, leave this False!) # # To use ServiceNET for authentication, prefix hostname of # `swift_store_auth_address` with 'snet-'. # Ex. https://example.com/v1.0/ -> https://snet-example.com/v1.0/ swift_enable_snet = False # If set to True enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images # to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts. #swift_store_multi_tenant = False # A list of swift ACL strings that will be applied as both read and # write ACLs to the containers created by Glance in multi-tenant # mode. This grants the specified tenants/users read and write access # to all newly created image objects. The standard swift ACL string # formats are allowed, including: # : # : # *: # Multiple ACLs can be combined using a comma separated list, for # example: swift_store_admin_tenants = service:glance,*:admin #swift_store_admin_tenants = # The region of the swift endpoint to be used for single tenant. This setting # is only necessary if the tenant has multiple swift endpoints. #swift_store_region = swift_store_region = # If set to False, disables SSL layer compression of https swift requests. # Setting to 'False' may improve performance for images which are already # in a compressed format, eg qcow2. If set to True, enables SSL layer # compression (provided it is supported by the target swift proxy). #swift_store_ssl_compression = True ===== Setup ===== http://docs.openstack.org/icehouse/install-guide/install/apt/content/