====== urn:mace:infn.it namespace ====== MACE has delegated the operation of urn:mace:infn.it namespace to INFN-AAI. * [[http://middleware.internet2.edu/urn-mace|Internet2/MACE URN registry]] * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3613.txt|RFC3613]] defines the "urn:mace" namespace and describes the procedures and policies governing it's use. This is the registry entry point for the namespace. ===== Namespace administered by INFN-AAI ===== (PREFIX=urn:mace:infn.it) ^ namespace ^ Purpose ^Date registered ^ Registry URL ^ | PREFIX:attribute-def | INFN-AAI schema | 2008-19-08 |[[cn:ccr:aai:en:tech:namespace:attribute-def| attribute-def]]| | PREFIX:godiva | GODiVA entitlements | 2008-19-08 |[[cn:ccr:aai:en:tech:namespace:godiva-entitlements|godiva-entitlements]] | | PREFIX:g | Group RBEA Namespace| 2018-02-15 |[[cn:ccr:aai:en:tech:namespace:group-rbea:home|group-rbea]] | | PREFIX:formazione | Catalogo formazione | 2018-10-10 |[[cn:ccr:aai:en:tech:namespace:formazione:home|formazione]] | | PREFIX:ms | INFN Micro-Services | 2019-03-22 |[[cn:ccr:aai:en:tech:namespace:ms:home |INFN Micro Services]] |