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 +====== Cygno ======
 +              Welcome to the Wiki HomePage of the Cygno collaboration PubbComm.
 +=== Members (2020-2021): ====
 +  * Giovanni Maccarrone (coordinator)
 +  * Elisabetta Baracchini
 +  * Stefano Bianco
 +  * Emanuele Di Marco
 +**Authorship, Publications, Conferences** [[cn:csn2:cygno:Pubcommguidelines|Guidelines]]
 +**OpenAccessRepository** [[|User Guide]]
 +**Paper List on** [[|Airtable]]
 +{{ :cn:csn2:cygno:papers.pdf |}}
 +[[cn:csn2:cygno:AuthorsList|Authors List]]
cn/csn2/cygno/home.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/27 07:43 by

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