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cn:ccr:cloud:infn_cc:project_networking [2019/07/05 08:46] stalio@infn.itcn:ccr:cloud:infn_cc:project_networking [2019/07/09 07:51] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Setup delle reti di progetto ======
 +La gestione delle reti interne al progetto è demandata agli utenti del middleware cloud.
 +Perché le VM associate ad un progetto possano collegarsi in rete sono necessarie le seguenti operazioni propedeutiche:
 +  * creare una rete interna
 +  * creare una subnet ed associarla alla rete interna
 +  * creare un router da collegare alla rete interna ed alla rete pubblica
 +Queste operazioni possono essere eseguite attraverso la dashboard, ma può essere utile usare questo script per rendere l'operazione più semplice e veloce.
 +while getopts "p:d:r:h" opt; do
 +    case "$opt" in
 +        ;;
 +    d)  DOMAIN=$OPTARG
 +        ;;
 +    r)  REGION=$OPTARG
 +        ;;
 +    h)  echo "This script is intended for easing the setup of a basic network environment for OpenStack projects."
 +        echo "Enter the dashboard, on the top right corner click on you username and download the \"OpenStack RC file V3\"."
 +        echo "Execute the downloaded file in a terminal - you will be prompted for you password -, and execute this script."
 +        echo "Make sure you close the terminal immediately after finishing in order to avoid you password being kept in memory." 
 +        echo "Project, region and domain names can be overridden with -p, -r and -d."
 +  exit 1
 +        ;;
 +    esac
 +#if [[ -z "$PROJECT" ]] || [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]]
 +#  echo "Project and domain name must be set with -p and -d"
 +#  exit 1
 +# The names of the new network, subnet and router are obtained from the project name
 +echo ""
 +# Get the public net id of the selected region
 +PUBLIC_NET_ID=`openstack network show public -f value -c id`
 +if [[ -z "$PUBLIC_NET_ID" ]]
 +  echo ""
 +  echo "Could not obtain public network id"
 +  echo "Make sure you have all the necessary variables correctly set before retrying"
 +  echo ""
 +  exit 1
 +# Verify that the project exists
 +PROJECT_ID=`openstack project show $PROJECT -f value -c id`
 +if [[ -z "$PROJECT_ID" ]]
 +  echo ""
 +#  echo "Could not find project $PROJECT in domain $DOMAIN"
 +  echo "Make sure you have all the necessary variables correctly set before retrying"
 +  echo ""
 +  exit 1
 +# Generate a random network address ( Avoid, and some more because they may conflict when doing VPN from home networks
 +while [ "$NUMBER" -le "$FLOOR" ]
 +  let "NUMBER %= $RANGE"  # Scales $number down within $RANGE.
 +NETWORK_ID=`openstack network show $NETWORK -f value -c id 2>/dev/null`
 +echo ""
 +echo "Will try to create network \"$NETWORK\" for project \"$PROJECT\" in domain \"$DOMAIN\" and region \"$REGION\"."
 +echo "The associate subnet will use the following class C network: $CIDR."
 +echo ""
 +read -r -p "Are you sure? [Y/n]" response
 + response=${response,,} # tolower
 + if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y| ) ]] || [[ -z $response ]]; then
 +   /bin/true
 + else
 +   echo "Exiting"
 +   echo ""
 +   exit
 + fi
 +if [ $? -eq 0 ]
 +  echo "Network $NETWORK ($NETWORK_ID) exists already"
 +  echo "Creating network $NETWORK"
 +# Create a new private network for the project
 +  NETWORK_ID=`openstack network create \
 +    -f value -c id \
 +    --project $PROJECT \
 +    --project-domain $DOMAIN \
 +    --description "Private network for the $PROJECT project" \
 +    --enable \
 +    --enable-port-security \
 +    --internal \
 +    --provider-network-type vxlan \
 +    --no-share \
 +    $NETWORK`
 +  echo "Network $NETWORK ($NETWORK_ID) created"
 +SUBNET_ID=`openstack subnet show $SUBNET -f value -c id 2>/dev/null`
 +if [ $? -eq 0 ]
 +  echo "Subnet $SUBNET ($SUBNET_ID) exists already"
 +  echo "Creating subnet $SUBNET"
 +# Create a new subnet for the project
 +  SUBNET_ID=`openstack subnet create \
 +    -f value -c id \
 +    --project $PROJECT \
 +    --project-domain $DOMAIN \
 +    --description "Subnet for the $PROJECT project" \
 +    --network $NETWORK \
 +    --dhcp \
 +    --ip-version 4 \
 +    --gateway $GATEWAY \
 +    --allocation-pool start=$NET.10,end=$NET.250 \
 +    --subnet-range $CIDR \
 +    $SUBNET`
 +echo "Subnet $SUBNET ($SUBNET_ID) created"
 +ROUTER_ID=`openstack router show $ROUTER -f value -c id 2>/dev/null`
 +if [ $? -eq 0 ]
 +  echo "Router $ROUTER ($ROUTER_ID) exists already"
 +  echo "Creating router $ROUTER"
 +# Create a new router for the project
 +  ROUTER_ID=`openstack router create \
 +    -f value -c id \
 +    --project $PROJECT \
 +    --project-domain $DOMAIN \
 +    --description "Router for the $PROJECT project" \
 +    --enable \
 +    $ROUTER`
 +  echo "Router $ROUTER ($ROUTER_ID) created"
 +# Connect the router to the external network and to the internal subnet
 +  openstack router set \
 +    --external-gateway $PUBLIC_NET_ID \
 +    $ROUTER_ID
 +  openstack router add subnet \
 +In più è necessario
 +  * associare dei floating IP alle VM che devono poter essere accedute dall'esterno 
 +  * associare dei security group alle VM con floating ip associati

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